Happy Birthday?

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The room felt empty as soon as the footsteps were no longer to hear. James just stood there in the middle of the dorm, staring into nothingness. After a while, he shook himself out of his shock.

"Did they really forget my birthday?", he said to himself, tears welling up in his eyes.


All of James' friends forgot his birthday, but luckily he has a boyfriend that did not and will do everything to see him happy again.


James woke up just as early as every other day, but today he had thought that he would be woken up instead. He sat up in his bed and opened his curtains, taking his glasses from the bedside table. He blinked a few times and then looked around the room, finding all of the other's curtains drawn and snoring coming from the beds.

That was weird. Why would they be sleeping in today? They had never done this before. On those specific days of the year, they would usually all stand up extra early.

So why was he the first one to be awake that morning?

He looked over at the clock on his bedside table.


That was the time he always woke up. You could almost time him waking up.

James pushed the duvet away and swung his legs out of bed, standing up and walking into the bathroom, getting ready.

When he got out of the room, his friends were still sleeping, so James opted for going to the Quidditch field, training for a bit. At least there would not be any classes, since it was Saturday. His friends were probably trying to prank him, making it seem like they forgot, so James would definitely try to look surprised when they would surprise him in a bit.

He had always liked training. It made him feel happier to get a good workout done, so he did that as often as he could.

While working out, he tried to imagine what his day would look like and what his friends had planned for him today. Maybe they were going to do a few pranks, then a party in the evening? James would obviously have to sneak off from the party to meet Regulus, his boyfriend, which only Regulus' friends knew about. They had started dating over a year ago and James was proud of himself for not blurting out that he had a boyfriend any time his friends started to talk to him about finding a girlfriend for him and trying to make him go on dates. He had not even told them that he liked guys as of now, because then they would ask a lot of questions as to how he found out he liked guys and if he had a crush and James did not know if he would have the strength to lie then.

Regulus' friends had been informed about their relationship almost immediately after they got together from Regulus, which James found adorable. James had been a little anxious to go to the Slytherin dorms for the first time, but had found that Barty, Evan, Dorcas and Pandora were actually really nice, if they wanted to, which was not always, but over time he had become somewhat friends with them as well.

After his training, James walked up to his dorm again and found that his friends had already left, so he showered quickly and then walked downstairs to eat breakfast.

When he entered the Great Hall, he saw his friends sitting at the Gryffindor table and made his way over to them. They were laughing and talking as if it was a normal day. He would have guessed that they would have stopped their little game of trying to make him believe that they had forgot what day it was now, but apparently they still wanted to make him believe they really forgot.

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