1. The Dream

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I was holding a gun to the other person's brow while he did the same to mine

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I was holding a gun to the other person's brow while he did the same to mine. My heartbeat was audible to me. We were in a dark room and the only visible part was the gun. I could feel that the person was staring at me intensely, with hatred, pain and what not. That intense glare made me feel so fucking guilty. A tear rolled down my cheek as the gunshot was heard.

I jumped up on my bed. My eyes were damp in the corners. 

Who was it? Was I killed? Who was the other person? 

So many questions ran through my mind as I took the phone in my hand. Shit! It's already nine in the morning.

I heard my aunt calling me out for breakfast as I was running down the corridor. As usual, I was late again. As soon as I hopped upon my breakfast chair, I noticed Ms. Myra Gupta was glaring at me.

My best friend is Myra. When I enrolled in the college to pursue a B.Sc. in Computer Science with a Data Science major seven years ago, our friendship began. Before meeting her, I had no idea that someone could genuinely make you feel like your soul sister.

"Hey Mayu!", I said while hugging her.

"Yarr, tu aaj bhi late hai. Jaldi se ready ho jaa", she said.

(You are also late today; hurry up and get dressed.)

"Abhi ho jaungi ready", I said after taking a bread from the table and kissing my aunt on her cheeks.

(I will get ready right away)

When I finished my meal, I walked upstairs to get ready.

Even though I currently own a company and project a powerful aura when I'm working, I still can't resist being a 'couch potato' at home. Though I was still extremely sleepy, I had to get ready for work because Myra came to pick me up. She is my business associate.

I wore my beige trousers and blazer with my black top and descended to the hall. With Myra by my side, I drove to my office.

The employees smiled warmly as they greeted me. I had arranged a meeting to discuss my next project. The information was far too private. After the meeting, everyone got back to work following my instructions.

By 8:00 p.m., I left the office. By then, everyone had left the office, and I was aware that it might be risky for me to return alone (as my aunt had informed me so), but who cares when you have a vicious mouth and some Karate abilities (which I had learned in high school)?

It was a tiresome day. I had three meetings to attend. Two with two different business delegates and one with my employees. The project that I had been working on for days is going to end soon, and the launch will be a grand one. I have been busy with those preparations too.

I was driving when I unexpectedly noticed a sizable gathering in front of me.

An accident has occurred. I went down the car to get a glance of the matter. Then, there I stood shocked from what I just saw. A man was lying on the ground, panting for breath, and he was shot. I was unable to determine what to do. I simply assisted the injured man by driving him to the closest hospital, and when things were under control, I left the hospital.

I arrived home around ten o'clock at night. Yes, it was a busy and exhausting day.

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