23. My Territory!!!

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"Can you stop talking to her like that?", I asked Rihaan

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"Can you stop talking to her like that?", I asked Rihaan.

"She's my sister. I'll talk to her in whatever way I want. You think I don't know what you two were doing in there?", he raised an eyebrow.

"No we didn't fuck, for your information", he seemed to be relieved by that sentence.

"What was that mark on her neck then?", he smirked while pushing me with his shoulder.

"I was marking my territory", I grinned.

"Territory? Don't be so territorial about my sister. If she loses even one drop of tear because of you, I'll dig a hole and bury you alive down there", he threatened, to which I rolled my eyes.

"Can you tell me something?"

"Go ahead", he said while sitting back on the sofa.

"Why does she have panic attacks? I mean I didn't do anything that day, but she panicked like someone came to kidnap her and beat her to death", I asked with a questioned eyebrow.

"That's something you shouldn't know, I suppose. Just that, she was abducted by someone when she was a kid, so she fears people in dark. Whenever someone reminds her of something related to that, she gets panic attack. That's the sole reason why I want her to be in safe hands", he said like a protective and caring brother.

I put my hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry. I'll never let anyone do anything to her. And if I'm the reason, she is hurt someday, I'll make sure, I get hurt thousand times more than what she will be going through, I promise." He smiled at me in response. We had some other chit-chats about this-n-that, and then we finally went to our rooms to sleep.

My phone was on my bed. As soon as I took my phone after sitting on the bed, I found so many texts all together from that person who only has the capability to make my smile reach my eyes.

"Are you an insane? You knew my brother and my best friend was right there outside the room and you dare to give me a hickey which I didn't even know about until I came back to my house and Myra asked me about it", she yelled through the voice message.

"Insane for you, sane for others", I replied through text.

"Such a cheap flirty dialogue. Did you learn it from some movie?"

"I don't watch movies."

"Are you serious? How can someone not watch movies? How are you even alive?"

"Does 'not watching movies' mean the person should not stay alive?"

"Oh no, I didn't mean that. Let's go for a movie someday. I'll pick my favourite movie."

"Are you asking me out on a date?"

"Don't get your hopes high. I just want you to know how good it is to watch movies so that we can discuss about it later."

"I'm glad that you are so thoughtful", I mocked through the text while she laughed in the response.

The whole night went like that. We chatted till six in the morning, like some teenage kids, newly in love.

"Do you see the sun outside? It's already rising", she texted.

"Yes. We didn't even realize the time."

"Let's sleep. I'll meet you tomorrow in the office."


"Good night."

"Night? It's already morning, isn't it?"

"In my dictionary, you should say good night whenever you are going to sleep. So it's a good night from my side."

I chuckled to her text and sent a laughing emoji in response. She went to sleep after that, I suppose but I got up and started with my early workout sessions.

It was nearly seven in the morning when Rihaan woke up. "Did you not sleep last night?", he asked me.

"Is it that obvious?", I grinned.

"Of course, Your eyes have bags under them", he chuckled and went to the kitchen to make some coffee for us.

We had coffee and talked about some business stuffs before leaving for office.

I didn't tell Rihaan that I was also investigating about that intruder behind him. And what I got to know was that he was someone who was sent by my fucking absurd father! I had to meet him today before this goes out of hand.

"Good morning, Mr. Salvatore", I was greeted by her, just as I entered the office.

"What are you doing here early in the morning? Did you not sleep?", I asked in confusion.

"Did you let me sleep?", she raised her eyebrows.

"Oh it's all my fault. Fine, I promise, I'll not let you sleep after we are married"

"Shhhh. I didn't know The Adrian Salvatore is this shameless!", I chuckled to her comment.

"You have many mysteries to unfold", I smirked, but somewhere deep down, I knew that I didn't want her to know about my father's deeds.

"I'm good at unfolding mysteries. But for now, I just came to ask you, are you free today?"


"I chose my favourite movie. So we can watch it if you want", I really wanted to say yes but meeting my father was important because I didn't want anyone to harm her.

"Uhhh, it won't be possible for me today, I have some stuffs to look into", I apologized but she frowned.

"We can do it tomorrow or day after tomorrow. What say?", I suggested.

"You just said no to my proposal and now you want to postpone it? Go and watch it with one of those girls who are waiting to get to your bed", I chuckled to her words and she stomped out of the office.

"Roohi....Roohi....listen to me", I ran behind her but she drove off. I knew that I have to do a lot of things to apologize but for now, her safety comes first.

I finished some of my pending files and asked Ira(my PA), to postpone all my meetings for today. 


Author's Note:

Twists and turns are coming up, and I cant wait to share it with you all😁

Till then, stay safe and healthy!!!

I love you guys💋💋

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