18. Drunk

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Last night, a sharp noise woke me up, and my thoughts were confirmed

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Last night, a sharp noise woke me up, and my thoughts were confirmed. I tiptoed outside of her room and attempted to sneak in, but it was locked. I had my own ways, though.

I began peering through the door nob, and there she was, laying on the bed with one hand inside her trousers and the other caressing her breast. The image did not startle me because masturbation is natural, but what surprised me was my name on her lips while she tries not to moan. She was moaning my name while I was admiring the view from outside. The laptop was in my hand, connected to Bluetooth airpods, and I could hear the groans in an echo, one directly from her room and the other from the camera.

I came out of my trance when I saw her coming downstairs. The scene was constantly getting played on my mind.

"Good morning, little miss CEO. Did you not sleep properly last night?"

Her eyes bawled out, "Why will I not sleep properly?"

"So you slept properly? Then I must say you were having a great dream."

"Wait what?", she was shocked and I loved how she reacted.

I went towards her and whispered in her ears, "How was the dream then?"

"Don't you have manners?", she stumbled back, but I could see her hardened nipples through the thin fabric. Her eyebrows joined as a frown, and her doe eyes widened more.

"So you are talking about manners now? The one who was not able to sleep because she was busy moaning my name while rubbing herself, and that has been making be a little too horny since last night", I smirked knowing that she was in a complete mess.

"Are you some kind of stalker?", she frowned making me chuckle.

"Why do I have to stalk when the person who was moaning my name was only on the next floor?"

"Stop it. It's just.....something that you should forget and so will I. So, don't ever mention the incident", she grunted with a frown.

She sat at the dining table after threatening me. How can someone threaten in such a cute way?

"I've few meetings to attend. So how are you planning to spend your day today? I can join you after 5 pm though."

"Oh, then I guess, I'll just take a stroll and visit the nearby markets."

"Don't get lost in the market!", I warned her.

"Do you think I'm just a kid who can go missing and you will have to find her? You better start thinking highly of me."

"Your height tells a lot about you, little Miss CEO", I chuckled.

"Oh really? Then you should get to know me better. I'm much more than what people can even imagine", she smirked. I nodded, but those sadistic thoughts were not ready to leave my mind.

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