6. Is it Him?

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How can a 25-year-old woman be so childlike?

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How can a 25-year-old woman be so childlike?

She simply slipped, but couldn't consent to it due to her embarrassment. I mean, what's the point of getting embarrassed? She can do whatever the fuck she wants in front of me, and I wouldn't mind seeing her do those ridiculous stuffs.

I absolutely adore how that girl gets me worked up, even though I know that I can conceal it effectively. The way she reacts when she is ashamed, and never backs off from anything, attracts me so much to her.

I was so much drowned into my thoughts that I didn't even realize when Enzo came inside my room.

"When did you come inside?"

"Just a few minutes ago. Whom were you thinking about though?"

The question made my eyes widened, "Ughh, no-one. Why are you interfering in my business old man?", I raised an eyebrow and he chuckled.

"Oh, I didn't mean to. I was just here to tell you something."

"Go ahead"

"The drugs supply could not conceal from the cops' gaze. We were caught, thus the trade is terminated."

My eyes widened, "What the fuck!!!" I banged the floor and stood up from the couch.

"Calm down and concentrate on the business right now, since I believe this deal isn't your priority right now, but that girl is! I will resolve this issue as soon as possible for you", he assured.

"I need to get every single detail of it, Every. Single. Freaking. Second", he nodded and left the room.

I could hardly breathe when I get angry, and the same thing was happening to me. I was not being able to breathe.

I knew right then that I needed to get some fresh air to relieve my stress, and the only possible stress-buster I could think of, was Roohi Chatterjee.

I rushed out of my house trying to calm myself down, but the anger kept building inside me. It was like a volcano that kept storing magma inside, and was waiting to burst out.

After reaching down to her apartment, I opened my phone to look at the cctv footages that she doesn't have any idea about. I installed those inside her house in all the corners just to make sure that I can watch her whenever I wanted to.

She was lying there on her bed with two other girls. One of those two is her sister whom she went to pick up today, I suppose.

Of course my girl was looking the prettiest, as usual. I kissed her through the phone screen, suppressing my urge to kiss the shit out of her right there on that bed, in those fucking pyjamas.

Suddenly I saw her, walking towards her balcony with the other two girls. I hid behind a wall. She was looking for me, I guess.

My girl can't live without me. Seems so good to think about it!

She started using her phone all of a sudden when I got a notification.


Today, 10:13pm

*(Daisy symbolizes innocence, purity and true love)*

"Oh, so you are afraid of people, aren't you?"

"Oh, darling, you have no idea what I am capable of. You'll know it when you're under me, unable to do anything but moan my name with your luscious lips."

Seen just now

"Oh, so you think I should get afraid after hearing those?"

"It doesn't matter actually. You will get fucked no matter what. I'll just enjoy fucking you more if you do get scared."

Seen just now

Just after my text, another girl took her phone from her hand and started typing.


Today, 10:22pm

"You bloody fucker! Leave her alone. She has a boyfriend"

The last line made my blood boil. She has a boyfriend? That means someone has touched her the way I want to. How dare he?

I'll chop off his fingers and make a "Finger curry" with those, I swear!

I tried to calm down after watching her but now this sentence again got on my nerves. It will not be my fault, if I encounter her today, right? She deserves to get punished for having a boyfriend when I am the only one for her!

The thing that will happen tonight will be her fault and not mine.

Also, I'm sure, she'll love it!

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