10. Mr. Naked Guy

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It's been two weeks since the hospital case and everything has been pretty well

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It's been two weeks since the hospital case and everything has been pretty well. Amaira, one of my friends, is getting married within few weeks. My stalker did not contact me anymore. I was so chilled out. Everything was slowly getting back to normal. Mr. Salvatore has been working pretty hard on my dream project. Actually, Adrian and I have started communicating on WhatsApp too. He just knows a few words, such as "Hmm", "Yea", "Sure", and so on.


"Can you not let me have a chance to be the bridesmaid?", Aashvi said as she jumped into the sofa.

"You can be the bridesmaid of Amaira. She treats you like her own sister."

"Don't you dare pretend to not understand anything!", she said narrowing her eyes at me.

I threw a pillow on her face. "I won't get frightened over those pretty doe eyes of yours."

"You don't have to. Just get married so that I'll be able to dance on 'Wah Wah Ramji' and 'O Jiji' in your wedding", she started nagging once again.

"You can get married. Don't involve me into these stupid dreams of yours", I said and walked inside my room and closed the door.

I took my guitar from the stand and started jamming a bit. It helps me calm down. A call interrupted my jamming session. I took up my phone to find out that the caller is Rihaan bhai, my elder brother. I picked up the call instantly.

"Hello, my munchkin!" I chuckled at his comment.

"You are so frigging bad! Do you even remember me?" I demanded, furious.

"Calm down. I wanted to show you something. Wanna see?"

"Mhm, go ahead", I said in a low voice, already irritated from the fact that he has called me after a year nearly.

"Pick up the video call", he said and I picked up.

"See this", he said while turning the camera. It was a beautiful background from his balcony but the thing that captured my eyes was the Empire State Building standing out among those buildings.


"Are you for real? Did you come back to New York?", I asked, with my eyes widened.

"No, I didn't", he said, trying to chuckle under his lips.

"You liar!!! When are you coming to meet me?", I said with an angry pout.

"Why can't you come over to meet me?", he said with a raised eyebrow.

As soon as he completed the sentence, I could hear a voice from behind that said, "Whom are you calling over? No one can visit my house at this hour."

"Why? Because you keep roaming naked, only with your boxers on?", Rihaan bhai laughed.

Suddenly a guy in white towel came over and closed the laptop. Why does my brother stay with such rude nutjobs?

I voice-called him back and he picked up the call. Good for him, otherwise I would have chopped him and then that guy too.

"Umm I'm sorry. Its just-", before he could complete the sentence I interrupted him.

"Give the call to your roommate", I said, rather yelled and he handed the phone to that nutjob.

"Listen Mr. Naked Guy, you are NO ONE to cut the call on my face. I'll make you regret this", I yelled and cut the call. I really wanted to apply my Karate skills on him. Rude bastard!!!

I threw my phone away in anger and Myra opened the door at the same time. The phone went flying and landed in Myra's hand. What a bollywood scene!

"Woah dude! Bol di hoti pehle toh teri ice-cream nahin khaayi hoti main fridge se chura ke......Tu toh mera jaan lene par tul gayi"

(Woah dude! If you had told me earlier, I would not have eaten your ice-cream by stealing it from the fridge.....you are hell-bent on taking my life)

"Areh bhai, hua hi kuch aisa hai", I said while nodding my head in frustration.

(Areh bro, something like that only happened)

She moved to the bed and all of a sudden threw my phone towards me. Ofcourse, I was not prepared for this unexpected 'catching game' and missed my shot. The phone flew again in the air, this time from her side to mine, and landed on the freaking FLOOR!!!

It was like a sudden disaster. It felt like the phone was breaking into bits in slow motion, causing my heart to miss a beat. I glared at Myra. She started grinning, but then realised she has already lit the fire, and it was my turn now.

"Bhai tu toh phone todne hi wali thi, mere se tut gya...kya farak padhta hai", she said while faking a smile. The kind of smile that kids give while they are caught doing some mischief.

(Bro, you were going to break the phone, it's just that I broke it instead of you....what difference does it make?)

She dashed away, but her last toe on the left foot collided with the door and she started jumping in pain. It's hillarious, right? Clumsy ass!

I ran behind her and grabbed her by her neck.

"What are you going to say now, huh?", I muttered while gritting my teeth.

"Bhai, phone toh naya aa jayega, but Myra toh tere paas ek hi hai na!" she shouted with puppy doe eyes, causing me to giggle.

(Bro, you can buy a new phone but you have only one Myra with you, right!?)



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Thank you so much for such overwhelming response. I'll try to be frequent to post the chapters but as of now, there's no update schedule for this book.

Another important thing, please read it loud and clear that, Your Author loves you guys💋❤

Stay safe and blessed. See you soon in the next chapter!❤❤❤

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