24. Red Volkswagen

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After completing the files, I was about to leave when I received a text from Roohi asking, "Can you come over? PLEASE!!"

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After completing the files, I was about to leave when I received a text from Roohi asking, "Can you come over? PLEASE!!"

"What happened?", I texted back as I headed down to the office parking lot.

The text was delivered and seen immediately but she didn't reply anything. Different scenarios ran through my mind. I called her up thrice but she didn't pick up.

I called up Enzo. Before he could say anything, I yelled, "I WANT THE FUCKING TRAFFIC TO BE CLEARED. DO ANYTHING, OR HACK THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND CLEAR IT UP. RIGHT. NOW.", and cut the call.

I rushed to her place and almost hit two to three cars while driving.

I ran inside the elevator. When I arrived, I saw no one in the living room. I hurried into her room and found her shivering on the bed. Her cheeks were soaked with tears. She was repeating things to herself. As soon as she saw me, she leapt into my arms. I was simply shocked. She's not someone who would get angry on you and then hug you after few hours.

"What happened?", I asked concerned but she was still shivering in my arms.

The only thing that she repeated was, "He's....he's here to take me.....please....please....tell them to....to go away".

Her muffled cries made my blood boil in anger. I'd kill any fucking person who dares to touch her. I can handle anything but not tears in my girl's eyes.

I made her look at me. "Look at me. No one's here. No one can take you anywhere till you are with me, okay?" But she seemed to turn deaf to my words.

"Roohi", I shouted. She jumped up in terror and gazed at me, as her tremors subsided.

"I'm here. No one can take you away, okay?", she nodded in dread, hugged me once again and sobbed.

"I'll bring you some water", I suggested but she did not leave me for a second. I carried her in my arms and went to the kitchen. I made her sit down on the kitchen counter, and gave a glass of water to her.

She chugged some water.

"Now tell me, what happened?"

"Someone was following me while I was on my way to attend an outdoor meeting. To get sure, I rushed the car to another road but it followed me there too. I started to panic. I couldn't allow myself to get kidnapped once again. I parked the car and rushed here. This was the only safe place because no one can get in without knowing the passcode. I was panic striken and you were the first person who came to my mind, so I ended up calling you", she explained in one breath.

"Did you see the person or the number of the car?", I asked. I was trying to confirm whether it's my dad or not.

"No, the person covered his face behind a black mask", I nodded.

I could have called her friend and left to meet my father, but I couldn't take that risk because if this was done by my father, no one could have handled any situation except me.

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