7. The Attack

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Before even I could text anything to that bastard, Myra took the phone from my hand and replied

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Before even I could text anything to that bastard, Myra took the phone from my hand and replied. He didn't reply to the text after that.

"That fucker got out of your way. Don't worry", she said and I gave her a relieved smile.

We went back to the bed in my room after having dinner.

"I had to tell you something, di, but I don't know how you would react to this", she said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Can you go and visit mom once atleast, in India? She misses you a lot"

"You know very well Ashu that I don't like that woman", I tried to reason with her.

"She isn't that woman but your mom", she shouted and I glared at her.

"You don't even have any idea about what she did to your sister", Myra replied. I controlled my tears.

"I have been waiting for these many years. I'm an adult now. Atleast now I should know, right? Because the incident that you guys are talking about is related to my mother and sister."

"She tried to sell your sister to a foreigner", Myra said and I yelled at Myra for letting Aashvi know about all these.

I didn't want Aashvi to know about anything. It was better to not let her know anything. My eyes were teary.

"WHAT?", Aashvi yelled and continued, "You can't talk shit like that about my mother."

I'm not sure what happened, but at the same time, I started breathing heavily. I gasped for air, as if someone had shut off the oxygen flow to my lungs. Tears flowed from my eyes like a never-ending stream. I felt sick. My heart rate rose to a much higher level. My heart felt like it was about to leave my body through my mouth. My surroundings turned dizzy.

Aashvi and Myra ran over to me, when they noticed.

"Run and bring some water, FAST!!!!", Myra shouted and Aashvi left running.

"Breathe. Breathe. Nothing happened. No one can abduct you ever. NO ONE! I'm there for you. Look at me. Just breathe", Myra's voice echoed in my ears when Aashvi came running with a glass of water. Everything was a slow-mo for me!

Myra sprayed water on my cheeks and handed me the inhaler. After about fifteen to twenty minutes, I felt normal.

"What was that? Are you sick?", Aashvi asked.

Before I could reply to her, Myra shouted, "See, this is the freaking reason that she avoids going to India or meeting your mother. Your mother is nothing more than an evil eye for her."

"Calm down", I said while looking at Myra.

"Go to sleep", I said to both of them and Aashvi left the room while sobbing. It's simply not her fault that she was just born when the incident happened.

"I'll stay with you", Myra urged.

"It's okay, I can sleep alone. Also we are in the same floor right? If anything happened, I'll call you right there", I said.

"You sure? I can stay with you all night", she insisted.

"Go to sleep. I'll be fine", I reassured and she went to the other room.

After midnight,


The notification woke me up. It was already two after midnight, so everyone was deep asleep. I fumbled on the bed to find my phone and finally grabbed it.

I opened the chat to find that bastard texting me again. Who the hell is he?


Today, 02:12am

"Those roses on your kitchen counter have been waiting to feel your presence, love"

I rushed out to the kitchen to find a big bouquet of white roses on the table. White roses are my favourite, but how does he know about that?

A note was left by that person just beside the bouquet.

I took the note from the table and started reading it. The handwriting was like some doctor's one, that can't be read.

I was so engrossed in checking out the note that I forgot to turn on the lights. The dim lights were switched on though. After reading through the note, I crumpled the paper and tossed it in the trash. I was panic-stricken but I tried hard to not show that.

The note said,

"I assumed I have the most beautiful pieces that the world has ever had, until I met you. You are the most gorgeous creature that mankind has ever seen. Now that I got my eyes locked on you, you can't ESCAPE!!!"


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