3. The Contract

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"Excuse me?", someone yelled to me while turning my chair

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"Excuse me?", someone yelled to me while turning my chair. I was caught off guard.

Such a weirdo! Who does that to someone who came to the office as a business partner?

"Yes what?", I frowned as I stood up.

A lady who was standing beside him whispered in his ears something which brought him back from his trance.

"Is this how you behave with your business partner? I almost fell down from the chair", I frowned. He should have apologized but to my surprise (or shock, whatever), he just rolled his eyes.

"Settle yourself in some other chair, Ms. Charjee", he said.

WHAT??? Did he actually pronounce my surname wrong?! I hate this thing, I swear.

"Firstly it's Chatterjee and not what you just mentioned. And secondly, it would have been better if you would have been a little less rude to me. Anyways", I said and walked out of the board room. I would, of course, not sign a contract with someone who cannot even be a little polite to his business partner.

I had just reached the gate when someone called me from behind.

"Ma'am. Roohi ma'am", I turned around to find the same lady that was standing beside that idiot.

"Yes, what?", I said, almost rudely.

"Ma'am, I'm so sorry. I would like to apologize on behalf of Mr. Salvatore. This deal is very important for both of our companies so if you can just consider this once, we would be glad", she said. 

Damn! Those words did actually melt me away.

"Only for this time. But remember this, I won't tolerate anymore rude behaviour from your boss", I said and walked in with her.

That idiot was right there, sitting on that fucking chair. I took a chair and placed it beside him. He looked at me with shock.

"Why are you sitting beside me?", he questioned.

"We are business partners from today, right? So I get the same place as you. Hence, I should sit right beside you", I faked a smile to him which he returned back to me.

"So, what's your whole idea on this project, Ms.?", he asked.

"Its Ms. Chatterjee, but if you have a problem in pronouncing my surname, call me Roohi but don't just ruin my surname", I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Roohi. So, what's the plan?", he asked once again and I explained him everything that was on my mind. All the board members agreed to my idea and so did he.

"So when are we starting the project from?", one of them asked.

"As soon as possible", I said and smiled.

"Tomorrow", Adrian spoke again. "From tomorrow we will be starting with the project and Ms. Roohi, come with me to my cabin to sign the contract."

"A 'please' would have worked better", I muttered and rolled my eyes.

"Everyone disperse", he said and everyone left the room except me and my personal assistant, Clara.

"Did I not ask everyone to disperse?", he raised an eyebrow to Clara and I gave her the permission to leave.

"Now I have a very important question for you, Ms. Roohi", he said and I raised an eyebrow to him.

"Why do I feel like I have seen you somewhere?", he asked.

"It's called Deja Vu", I chuckled.

"I don't care whatever it is called, but why are you so familiar to me?", he asked again.

His stupid questions!!!

"Because you know there are 6 more people in this world who look like you. So like that, there are 6 more people who look like me too. You might have met one of them. Now if you are done with these questions, can I get the papers to sign the contract?"

"What a weird theory, Ms. Psychology! Anyways, here are the papers", he said and brought me the papers which I signed and took a copy of it with me.

Of course how would he know about any of these theories. He gotta have some brain to know this!

"Cheers to this one year journey ahead", I faked another smile and shook his hands while he did the same to me.

At Night,

I came back to my penthouse.

This penthouse is mine. The other house was my dad's. Aunt Alice and dad lives there together, so I decided to shift not to disturb them simply. But every week, I visit them, at least once.

I was so damn tired.

This place feels so cherishing every time when I visit. The backdrop of the living area, the colour combination. Damn! I chose the right person to design my house.

 I switched on the dim lights and laid on the sofa after throwing my bag on the couch.

I turned on the TV to watch something. I really wanted something to binge watch and yes I finally found it. It might sound weird that I'm afraid of ghosts, but I love watching zombie series. I started watching "ALL OF US ARE DEAD". This series feels so damn real.

After nearly an hour when I passed out in my sleep, while watching the series, a sudden beep of a notification woke me up.

A text notification it was! 

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