9. Meeting

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I opened my eyes, but the ceiling I was accustomed to was not there

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I opened my eyes, but the ceiling I was accustomed to was not there. I was somewhere else.

When I tried to stand up, a sharp pain rushed through my left side. The saline!!!

Why is a saline connected to my hand? I remember getting a panic attack last night. What the hell!!! That jerk was inside my house. I remember falling unconscious while he was carrying me, but I couldn't see his face. His hazel brown orbs drew my attention, but I was too weak, at that time, to talk to him.

A nurse entered with a smile. I smiled at her. Before I could say anything, she began uttering things that caused my eyes to widen.

"Thank God, you are awake. Last night, your boyfriend threatened us to save you otherwise he would have killed us. Is he a police officer? Also pretty weird, no offense though, because he kept wearing his mask the whole time."

I knew that she was talking about my uninvited stalker, but why did she address him as my 'boyfriend'?

"Excuse me, did he tell you guys that he is my boyfriend?", I asked with a confused frown.

"Yes, he even filled up the form as your boyfriend", she said which made me furious.

I tried to search for my phone to contact him, but the phone was in my apartment.

I got discharged and went back to the apartment. I knew that a storm of questions were already waiting for me.

It was nine in the morning when I reached home. Myra and Aashvi were yelling at each other when I entered. They both didn't notice me.

"Why did you even bring up the topic last night?", Myra yelled.

"What does it have to do with my sister's missing case?", Aashvi yelled.

"Calm down guys!!! Aashu, your sister did not go missing, sweetheart", I smiled at her and she hugged me tightly. I signaled Myra with my eyes to calm down, and that we would talk later about this.

"Then where were you? Also why is your hand having a band-aid on it?", Aashvi asked.

"Let me change and get freshened. I'll tell you everything after that. Also don't keep yelling at each other", I said and went to the washroom.

After I came back from the washroom, there was a note on my bed which said, "I'm not a professional criminal baby, rather your stalker. You didn't have to panic that much after sensing my presence. Next time our encounter won't be this bad, I promise, Daisy"

What does this man think of himself? He dares to put me in a panic attack, then sends me to the hospital, waits outside my cabin all night, and then gives me this note?

I took out my phone in anger, there were a lot of notifications but it's better to ignore those now. I decided to text him.


Today, 09:32am

"Do you even have any conscience?"

I threw my phone on the bed and started getting ready for office. I had two very freaking important meetings and I'm running late again. Wow!

I raced out of the room after getting ready, and there stood those two insane humans who had been fighting over me. Me? Really?

"God!!! Don't start again. I'm already pretty late and I had two important meetings today", I said and rushed out without even letting them speak.

It's nice to know that people are fighting over you, but not inside your own house. Also, if you are the referee for that 'Argument' match. Ughhh!

After reaching the office, I found Clara waiting for me.

"Did they already arrive?", I asked.

"Yes ma'am. They have been waiting for you since the last two hours."

My eyes widened. "Two hours?"

"Yes ma'am. Mr. Salvatore asked his PA to go back to the office, but he has been waiting for you."

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Salvatore", I said but to my surprise, he smiled back.

"Are you okay?" Again another weird gesture from him, rather question that made me question my own behavior.

"Yes I'm. Don't I look pretty much fine?"

"Miss Roohi Chatterjee arrives late for the second time. You should come late to the next meeting as well, so that you can make a hat trick."

"Haha! Not so funny. Let's get down to the business"

He smirked. He freaking smirked!!!

"So, we had to discuss about the home page of the app. I have talked to the designer. We have an idea", I said as I walked over to my chair.

"Can you turn on the projector, Clara?", I asked and she did the same.

I showed him the presentation, and he agreed to it.

"So that's it for today, I guess. Thanks for waiting. I'll let you know about the rest of the ideas", I said.

"Sure!", he said and walked off.

How can someone be so charming yet so rude? No, no, no! You can't be thinking about your business partner like this!

I rolled my eyes to myself for thinking such stuffs, and walked back to my cabin. I had another meeting with "Brooks Co.", just after fifteen minutes.

That meeting went well too. If everything goes well, the profit will be at least 1.5 Million (USD).


Go and follow the account asap for spoilers and many more!!!

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Go and follow the account asap for spoilers and many more!!!

The story will be taking a new turn soon. Be ready for the twists!

Stay safe and happy guys. Your author loves you all!❤💋

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