21. Perfect Torso!

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Finally, I was back home

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Finally, I was back home. I went inside, all tired. It was nearly afternoon, so no one was there in the house. I freshened up and went to my room.

I was way too tired to cook something, but when I went to the kitchen to take out a cup noodles, I found a bowl covered with a plate. It had a note on its side which said,

"I know you are tired, have this food and take rest. Don't think about going back to the office today. From your favourite, Mayu"

I took out the phone and texted her, "You are the best!"

This was what I was exactly craving for. The bowl had some white sauce pasta. Even though, she's not my real sister, her deeds always proved otherwise. She knew exactly when and what I crave for.

Suddenly I thought of texting that stalker. Maybe it was him, last night.


Today, 01:14pm

"Was it you last night, who broke into my room?"

Seen just now

"Broke into your room?"

"Don't try to act smart"

Seen just now

"It wasn't me! So stop blaming! Also if you have nothing to do other than blaming me, then you can come over and we can fuck"


Seen just now

"Ahhh! I believe you are a strong woman but you can't be the mommy, cuz I control things in bed!"


I was so pissed but one thing was confirmed that he wasn't the one; otherwise he would have said it on my face. But who was it? Who has this much lust for me to steal my lingerie? It's quite surprising.

My brain mocked at my situation when I suddenly heard the main door creak open.

"How was it? Did you guys fuck?", Myra being Myra, said in a chilling tone, while running towards me.

"My favourite lingerie is lost!!!!!", I shouted and sighed in sadness.

"What? Did he so love it that he took it with himself?"

"No idiot, someone broke into my room last night, while we were --"

"While you were what?", then after a few seconds, her brain started processing what I had said. "Broke into WHAT?????", she freaked.

"Yes. Someone broke into my room, took the lingerie, and left. That person was even watching us when we kissed."

"Ki---KISSED???", she yelled into my ears.

"Ughh, stop shouting. I'll tell you everything, but before that we need to figure out what the fuck is going on."

"You think I can sit quietly, when I know that you guys kissed and then someone else was enjoying the scenic beauty of you guys, and at last that other person stole your lingerie. My mind got fucked up after listening to this. Oh God! I need some fresh air", she said frantically and ran outside, to the balcony.

After a few seconds, she came back and pulled me along with her.

"So now tell me what all happened, then we can figure out how to catch hold of that motherfucking bastard!"

I told her everything and she listened to me while passing comments after each and every sentence.

"You know right that your brother is a hacker? You can tell him all these", she suggested after I was done with my story-telling part.

"Yes, why did I not think about it?"

"Because you are dumb", she said while nodding her head in an obvious manner.

"I'll kill you", she ran to the room while I ran behind her.


In the evening,

I called up Rihaan bhai and asked him to send me the address. He did as I asked him to do.

"I can't leave you alone, knowing you have two fucking stalkers behind you. I mean what are you? Some actress? Or maybe minister or something? Why is everyone behind my fellow stupid friend? Anyways, I'll come with you", Myra said and I agreed to her while laughing out loud.

The whole ride was about me driving and Myra passing her stupid comments on the whole scenario. She even smiled quite a few times when we were talking about Rihaan bhai. I don't know what the fuck is going on but I needed to rid my mind of the chaos that my life has become.

I pressed the bell and was gossiping with Myra when someone opened the door. My eyes went from his toes to his face, in the backward manner.

The person was wearing a white towel. His hair was all wet and water dripped from his wet hair. The perfect torso that ever existed in mankind was of this person. My eyes were half way up, but even without looking at him I knew his gaze had already settled in mine. He was so fucking perfect that I could feel myself dripping down there.

My jaw dropped after seeing him there.


Author's Note:-

Now guess, who's the guy in towel😂

The torso is perfect, fs!🤤😭

Anyways, next update will be on Saturday❤

Till then stay happy and safe. I love you guys💋❤

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