16. Intruder

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I was near my climax when I suddenly heard a noise outside my door

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I was near my climax when I suddenly heard a noise outside my door.

My eyes immediately snapped to the computer screen, but nothing was abnormal. Roohi was sleeping comfortably.

Who else can it be? A cat? How is it possible? Why do I sound so dumb at times?!

I wore my boxer and trousers and opened the door to find out a freaking tall human figure outside my door! I was all-ready to bang his head on the wall when he said, "Why did you take so long to open the door?"

"Rihaan????", I yelled as he pushed me aside and went inside the room.

"Now, can't you even recognize me?", he rolled his eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

"Just came to check what you were doing here, alone, with my sister."

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Yeah. I'm very much fucking serious. Remember this, that even on your wedding night, I'll be the one outside the door just to keep a check that you aren't forcing my little sister."

"WOW!!! Do you remember that you are the fucking COO of the 'Adware Tech'?"

"And do you remember that you are the freaking CEO of the 'Adware Tech'? If you can spend time with your crush here alone, then even I can come here to check on you both."

"Are you insane? Do you hate me because I love your sister?"

"I don't hate you, I just strongly dislike you", he turned around to sit on the other side of the bed when I kicked his ass and he flung into the bed.

"Did you kick me? I'm your future brother-in-law", he frowned.

"And I'm your sister's future husband. I don't know what that relation is called."


"HAHAHA! Not so funny. I don't want Roohi to find out that I was the 'Naked Guy', on the call, that day. Please leave otherwise-"

"Otherwise?", he raised an eyebrow.

"Otherwise I'll have to kick your ass out. I can't let her misunderstand me."

"You are so ass-whipped for her. I'm leaving just because you are whipped to my sister. Otherwise I would have stayed no matter what."

"Bye", I said while waving.

"Yeah fine. Bye", he walked off.

I turned around to find Roohi sleeping peacefully. When I turned to close the door, I found Rihaan standing outside.

"Why did you not leave?", I gritted my teeth.

"I just came back to say, take care of my sister. If anything happens to her-"

"Till the date that I'm alive, I'll not let a fly touch her, or a mosquito bite her", I reassured him. He chuckled and walked off.

Next Morning,

I was making breakfast when Roohi came down. She was wearing a grey colour shorts with a grey tank top. Her hair fell on her torso, from both the sides, in open wavy curls. I didn't know I liked long hair girls until I met her.

I was always into fucking and love was never in my list. I met girls with short hair in the clubs and fucked them hard. No kiss. No eye contact. Rough. Hard. Fuck.

But my world turned upside down, the night I met her. I haven't gone to clubs for months now, just because this girl has wrapped me up in her fingers without knowing.

"Good morning, little Miss CEO", I smiled at her.

"Good morning, Mr. Hulkman", she replied.

"Why would you name me as a car battery?", I asked and she looked at me with a confusion.

"Wait what?", she asked, her expression perplexed.

"Hulkman: A company whose products are designed in the United States", I said in an obvious tone. She burst out laughing. She looks so pretty while laughing. Am I really whipped to her?

"No, no, not at all. HULK! I was talking about Hulk"

"And who is he?", I asked and her expression changed from funny to a really shocked one.

"You don't know who Hulk is? Well, he is—umm nevermind. Can we have your freshly cooked breakfast?"

"Yes", I served the breakfast for both of us. After having one bite, her expressions were like the top notch. No one can beat her in any expression game, that's for sure. She gave an expression of a child having ice cream on a summer afternoon.

"So when are we having the meeting?", she asked and I choked.

Meeting? Shit!!! I forgot to prepare an excuse.

"Actually I have talked to the clients and they said that they will not be able to visit Skaneateles this weekend, so it's postponed."

"Oh, so are we leaving today then?", she asked. I had to stop her, but my brain simply stopped working. What excuse should I make now?

"No, no. We aren't leaving today. You told me that you haven't visited Skaneateles ever, so how about I give you a tour?"

"Sounds great. So when are we leaving?"

She sounded quite excited. I chuckled to myself, in my brain. "By ten. We still have two hours."


Guys, so many twists and turns will be there in the upcoming chapters

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Guys, so many twists and turns will be there in the upcoming chapters. So don't miss out on anything. 

I'll be posting spoilers on this account, so don't forget to follow!!!

I love you guys!!! Take care 💋❤

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