14. Bungalow

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I woke up to a text notification from Adrian that said, "Sharp by five today

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I woke up to a text notification from Adrian that said, "Sharp by five today." So punctual!!

I freshened up and went to the office. I called Clara to my cabin and explained everything.

"So what about the meeting with Mr. Bruno that was scheduled tomorrow?", she asked.

"I'll talk to him. Don't worry. Just look after the company. I don't want any mess going on while I'm away. Is that clear?"

Agreeing to my question, I asked Clara to go ahead with the designing stuffs that had to be dealt with, today itself.


It was nearly four o'clock in the afternoon, and I hadn't had time to eat lunch. I hurried to the penthouse.

No one was there because Myra was in her office and Aashvi was attending her lectures.

I got ready as quickly as possible and checked all of my bags. I have this habit; I don't know god or bad, of checking stuffs until last minute so that I don't forget anything.

I had half an hour, so I decided to have some food. I had some pasta. Just as I completed half of my meal, Adrian called me up.

"Are you done?", he asked from the other side of the phone.

"Yea. I'll be there."

I suited up in a black formal dress, carrying a black handbag and my luggage.

As I came downstairs, I found him standing there, in the parking lot, outside his car, dressed in a black high neck t-shirt, and black trousers, with his coat slung over one of his arms.

As I came downstairs, I found him standing there, in the parking lot, outside his car, dressed in a black high neck t-shirt, and black trousers, with his coat slung over one of his arms

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(Adrian's outfit)

He was leaning against the car. What a freaking deadly sight!!!!! My knees are falling weak infront of this 6 ft 5 inches tall man. My throat went dry. It's a fucking heavenly sight!!!!!! I can only imagine those arms choking me right now.

But I'm a freaking twenty five years old lady. I'm not a teenager whose hormones are dancing at the peak of Mt. Everest, yet mine are!!!!!

His gaze travelled around my body. Was he checking my outfit or my curves? Why are my thoughts going down such an erotic path?!

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