8. Emergency!!!

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I was watching her reading my note

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I was watching her reading my note. After few minutes, she crumbled it and threw it in the trash.


She really has some guts to do this even after knowing that I was watching her. Her fearlessness was doing something to me.

My whole life has been with and around people getting afraid of me, begging me, or dealing with me. But this girl was really taking up some great challenges by herself.

And now that I should've been outraged, yet I found myself laughing like an idiot after seeing her.

I was hiding behind the fridge, and the lights were dim, so there was no way she could have spotted me.

She was wearing pink shorts along with a pink half-sleeves shirt. Her shorts covered only a small part of her thighs and the shirt was unbuttoned from the top that made her cleavage clearly visible. Her hair was open.

Those exposed thighs and her cleavage was doing something to me. I was hard like a rock. Normally the waistband does the work of covering my bulge, but after seeing her, even the waistband failed to do its work. I was struggling like anything.

"Little does this, 'five feet two inches', girl know that she has this 'six feet three inches' man wrapped around her finger. I would do anything that makes her happy. But now was not the time for the revelation. Let her assume, until then I'll just enjoy the show", I thought and smirked to myself.

I thought of surprising her a little, so I tiptoed out from the back of the fridge and stood behind her, towering her back, leaned into her ear and whispered, "You shouldn't have done that, baby."

I was enjoying every single freaking second of this moment.

She tried to scream out loud but I covered her mouth, but things did not go as I had planned.

After covering her mouth, I could feel her getting choked under my palm. I have choked so many people to death , but I've never been so anxious about seeing someone getting choked.

I could feel her heart rate rising. Despite the fact that it was cold outside, she was sweating profusely. She slowly closed her eyes, losing her senses.

At that point, I had no idea what to do. I have no freaking idea what had happened.

I called an ambulance, but no one answered. I've never felt so helpless in my entire life. My heart rate escalated to the point where it felt as if it was leaving my body via my mouth.

I gave her CPR, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, and after quite a few minutes she opened her eyes. My hands were already sweating, and I was trembling like crazy.

She couldn't speak. I carried her in my arms and took her to my car.

"Look at me. Look at me. Keep looking at me and don't close your eyes. It will hardly take a few minutes to reach the hospital. Breathe with me, baby. Good. Keep breathing like that, love", I assured her but she closed her eyes again.

I rushed to the hospital. My mask was on, so no one would know who I am. I went inside, but the receptionist kept nagging that the doctors are busy.

"DOCTORRRRR!!! DOCTORRRRR!!!", I yelled and few nurses and two doctors came running.

"Admit her, she lost her senses all of a sudden", I shouted.

"Sorry sir, but you will have to wait, we can't admit her until you submit the money", one of the doctor said.

"Money is not a FUCKING ISSUE. If you don't admit her right now, I'll make sure you never see another dawn, and not only you all but also your family members", I glared at them.

They took her inside and I submitted the money. The money that they were nagging for!!! Why do they not understand that I can buy this whole hospital, but if anything happens to her, they would not be able to go back to their family anymore!!!

"Sir you need to fill this form", the receptionist said and handed me a form. I submitted after filling it up.

After nearly about ten minutes, the doctor came out, "No need to worry Mr. She is doing well. We have given her a sedative, so that she sleeps well now."

I huffed and sat down on the chair. I waited there for the whole night.

In the morning, I knew she would wake up at anytime so I left, but I had one of my man as a guard just to let me know when she wakes up.

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