17. Skaneateles Lake

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I don't understand this guy

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I don't understand this guy. He should have asked the client about the meeting and then fixed the date. Anyways, it's good that I would get some free time, away from those traffic-filled city life.

I got dressed up into a full sleeve top, which had a bow near the neck, along with a black pencil skirt. I paired it up with my black stilettos, a small white pair of earrings, and a sling. I might lie, if I said that I didn't put on some makeup. Minimal yet gorgeous!

I did it maybe because I wanted him to notice me.

I did it maybe because I wanted him to notice me

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 (Roohi's outfit)

I don't know if I'm having this split personality disorder because of him or not, one moment I'm drooling over this guy and the next moment I don't want to see his face.

I went downstairs to find him sitting on the sofa and scrolling through his phone. He looked at me and smiled.

"So are you ready?", he asked.

"Yes I'm."

"You look a bit different today, maybe I should get my eyes checked", he let out a chuckle.

"What do you mean? Do I look pretty? Does that mean I don't look pretty every day?", I rolled my eyes and walked out of the house.

He came running behind me after locking the door. He ran like a lost puppy, and I laughed out loud, in my brain.

"Well you could walk away only if you knew where we are going", he chuckled once again.

"Not so funny, Mr. Angry Bird."

"Do you have this problem of calling people by names?", he asked.

"No. I call people by names based on what they deserve to hear", I tried to be a little sassy but he snorted.

"Get in the car", he said.

"Too rude. This won't work pretty much, Mr. Salvatore."

"Too formal. I might get polite if you can call me something else."

I frowned and went inside the car. He drove us to a lake. The whole drive was not much of a fun. He drove silently while I played the radio inside the car to listen to some soothing music.

Nature and music can heal people and in these two days, I can heal myself from all the scars that I've been hiding from people, for all these years. I was too busy to even get some time out for myself. This is actually my first trip, after being an adult, except for a business one.

"Here we go. The very famous lake of Skaneateles! This is called the Skaneateles Lake", he said, giving me the piece of information that I was unaware about.

"I've heard a lot about it, but this is the first time visiting this place. Feels so soothing."

I went outside and ran near the shore. Suddenly I could feel that someone was watching me. Adrian was standing beside me enjoying the view. So, it was not Adrian, but someone else.

There was an eerie gut feeling. I turned to look around but no one was there.

"What happened? Why do you look so pale all of a sudden?", he asked me. I didn't know what to answer. There are people trying to hurt me, but I didn't know who out of them could follow me to such a place.

"It's just- nevermind. Let's go from here", I hurried to the car.

"But can you please tell me what happened?", he yelled while running behind me.

"I don't feel good. Let's go to some other place."

He didn't question me further, as if he understood that I didn't want him to get involved in this. At times the way he behaves with me, feels like he is my twin soul, the soul that people seek throughout their lives.

He drove to some other places and the whole day just went like that. It was great to feel the fresh air.

Adrian has not been a jerk today. Maybe it's once in a decade that he is not a jerk, and that day was today. I chuckled to myself, with these thoughts encircling my brain.

"What is so funny that's going on, in that little brain of yours?", he asked.

"I just thought that you weren't being a jerk today, but here you go", I snorted.

As soon as those words left my mouth, he pulled the car over, unfastened his seat belt and came over to me. He was so close to me that our noses collided with each other. I could hardly breathe, while his breath touched my lips. His eyes had darkened its colour.

"Do you think I'm a jerk?", he growled in a low voice, while looking directly at my eyes.

Those were the words which made my heart skip a beat. His tone was not the usual one. I simply wanted to say yes, instead I ended up nodding my head as a 'NO' slowly.

Why brain? Just why? Why don't you and my organs get along so well?

"That's like a good girl", he nodded and unfastened my seat belt. He went back to his seat and I exhaled, not knowing that I was holding my breath for this long.

He went out of the car, came to the other side and opened the door for me. I did not even realize when we reached home. I came down and walked straight inside the house without even talking to him.

I went up straight to my room, and he went to his. We didn't talk in between. I don't know what it is that is attracting me towards him. It feels like something is pulling me to him as if he is the magnet that I have been searching since many years.

So many erotic thoughts were running on my mind. Why erotic thoughts though? His biceps looked like those which belonged to my grip only ; his hair looked like those which belonged to my fingers only. I don't know why this is happening. Last time I was in love, he fucked me up. I was left with nothing but a numb soul. I can't let Adrian do the same.

I took my phone out of my purse and texted Myra, "I'm fucked up. Something's wrong with me."

I couldn't sleep for the whole night. Erotic thoughts, fear, everything was surrounding me up and I ended up doing something that I shouldn't have done.


Author's note:

What do you think she must have done to herself at the end of that night? What shouldn't have been done that she already did?

Questions guys!!! So many questions!!! 👀

To get the answers, wait for the next chapter!!! ❤

Till then check out my instagram for spoilers and many more! The id is asha_writes03

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