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Last night, I drove home.

Wow, that's an impressive thing to say. Especially since I had gotten totally wasted. Normally, I would have asked for a ride from Reice, My best friend, but this time I didn't even care.

Two weeks ago, I got a job. At the most populated restaurant ever, Sxrits. I worked there Fridays to Mondays, the weekends.
While I was at work, my boss sent me home early saying I should get there right away. Of course, I left and went home. Alix, my brother, was at a friends house that night. So when I saw the police at my house I got scared. The worst part was I didn't lose him,I lost my parents. Well our parents.

See three weeks ago my parents went on a road trip, to Maine. Michigan to Maine, I wanted to believe they would be okay. All the police said was,"There was an accident regarding your parents."

That's all it took for me to understand. That we lost our parents.

That was a week ago since they told me, about the accident. The worst part is, Alix doesn't even know. Yet.

"PRIM!!" Alix yells from downstairs." It's Wednesday! Mom and dad have been gone for five weeks. They're coming home today! Woah!"

Shit. I can't tell him. Not yet..not right now. But I've held on for to long. So I get out of bed and prepare for the worst.

"Hold on, Alix." I say as I hear my phone ring from my nightstand. It's Bay.
I answer the phone,"Hey."

"Hey, Prim."
"Why are you calling me at six in the morning, Bay?"
"Oh you know, I need a ride." Typical Bay.
"Where to," I say almost automatically,"wait I want to know why."
"I just need out of this shelter. It's depressing here." Bay says after a few seconds.

I think about it for a minute,"Um, sure I'll be there in-"

Before I could finish Alix runs in, "Why didn't you tell me?! WHY!" My mind is so mashed right now. So confused. Then I remember...our parents.

"Bay I'll come get you in an hour. Maybe later. You know what give it two hours. That should be at eleven." I answer and hang up my phone. I look at Alix.

"Why did't you tell me about our parents." He says slowly and calm. But I know he is furious.

"I-I didn't know what to-" and he was out the door running down the stairs. Gone. No not him too, I run after him. "Alixford Zavier James, get back in here right now!" I have to yell out the front door, because he's running farther. He stops and turns around. He slowly comes into the house and sits on the couch.I close the door and turn to face him.

I wish he hadn't found out, his birthday is in two days. TWO DAYS!! And his own parents won't be able to make it. Two days.

"I'm not talking until you tell me why!" He yells after a minute or two sitting there. I sit on the couch next to him.

"Alix, how was I suppose to tell you! Mom and Dad are dead, Happy birthday?. Let's cut the cake?" I sound way to harsh, but i can't keep my cool. I'm trying so hard not to cry, I need to be strong for him. For us.

He starts crying. I reach over and hold him. He hugs me and cries, while I rock him back and forth.

Then I cry. We cry for each other. For Mom. For Dad. For the dead.
Okay so I need some song selections!!
For a playlist, comment your favorite songs.

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