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**Dylan's POV**

Audroy and I were playing with Legos again. He's actually pretty good at building things. YouTube was no help for I have no idea what I'm doing whine I play with them. I look at Audroy. His blonde hair is messy, and his hazel eyes are strangely addicting. He looks up and smiles at me. His smile warms my heart like coal.

"Audy?" Emily's voice sings through the living room,"Sorry again, Dyl. I wasn't expecting to be late."

She wraps me in a hug. Which for Emily is a normal hello. You can never walk away without a hug. I hug her back,"It's alright Emy." We caught onto each other's common nicknames. I only had a few classes with her. That's mainly the reason why we hired her. When I don't have classes she does so we switch back and forth.

"So what are you cool people up to?" She says sitting down on the floor next to Audroy. He gets excited at the site of her. Throwing down the Legos he tackles her. Let me say this, his tackles are like pillow fights. When he's really mad at you or he just doesn't like you it can hurt.  Or it soft and playful. Emily grunts as the impact came. I start to laugh.

But when Audroy sees me laughing he runs at me. He jumps on my back or tries to. He had to use the bed to actually make it. Once he's on my back I spin around a lot. I hear my phone ring from the kitchen. So with te kid on my back I run quickly to get it. In all this he is yelling like a maniac.

"Don't drop him, Dyl!!" Emily yells from my bedroom.  I chuckle to myself.

"Hello?" I say into the phone. For a moment it's just staticky on the other line. I think it's another joke. But then he speaks.

"Hey, Dylan. It's Dex," my heartbeat quickens. Audroy notices the smile and he starts to ask questions. All of a sudden he yells..

"PASS THE WEED!!" I look at him.

"Audroy where do you learn that word?" He smiles big like its a joke. Normally it is but with him I want to know who would talk like that around a kid.

"Auntie. She always yelled that downstairs to people who were always over." I'm stunned. I never realised it was that bad over there. What if there was more he wasn't telling us.

Emily walks in and takes Audroy from me,"Finish your call." Then she leads him to the bedroom.

"I'm seriously and sincerely sorry about that Emily. I didn't mean-"

"Did you just call me Emily?" Dex asked chuckling.

"Omg, I'm so sorry. I was just talking to her. Ugh my brain is twisted today."

"It's alright. And it's okay about the drug think. It was actually pretty funny. Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to go to this midnight skate rink tonight?" 

"Oh I'm sorry Dex. But I have to watch Audroy tonight. I promised my friend I would do it to-"

I'm cut off by Emily,"Dylan go! Audroy needs me. Dex needs you haha." She started laughing at her comment.

"Nevermind. What time do you want to go?" I ask quickly before I change my mind.

"Would it be strange if I said I was outside your door? That we could leave now if you wanted?"

I walk over to the door and open it,"No it wouldn't be strange it would be creepy if you hadn't told me though."

"Hi I'm Dex nice to meet you, not Emily." He laughs as do I.

"I heard my name!" Emily yells through the dorm. Dex starts laughing really loudly,"Dyl? Who's here?"

"Well, I don't know. Why don't you come see." I turn towards Dex and laugh again. Never have I ever been this relaxed around someone I like. Emily emerges from the room with Audroy.

"So this is the famous Audroy. I hear about." Dex says with a deep British voice. You could even mistake him for a jock. But nope.

"Holy Lordy your British!" Emily was smiling big. I chuckle to myself again. As Audroy bounces up and down.

"Yes. But as you see. I'm heading out with Dylan at the moment. It was lovely talking to you, Emily."

"Alright we'll be careful. Have fun! Be nice to the girls." My face goes white. Is it odd I couldn't bring myself to tell her I was gay? I tried to imply it so many times. But I just can't come out and say it. Instead of showing my uncomfortableness I laugh as does Dex.

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