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**Gail's POV**
Alix has officially moved in with his relative. It's strange not having him there with me to play Xbox games. Now, I can't even sit a whole hour, without getting bored of the game. Every time I come from my work, (school year ended eight days ago), I find Prim in my dorm. I honestly don't mind. I'd rather know where she is, then annoy her by texting her first. It's been six days since Cody died. She doesn't act different. I didn't expect her to. I just know when her guilt keeps her up at night. She'll come to my dorm at midnight or past the hour, and sit next my door. I don't question her. Most days I invite her in and we fall asleep to the rhythm of our breathing. When she kicks at night or presses for more space, I get up and sit in the desk chair. I don't feel upset or mad, I just don't want her to feel closed in.

I woke this morning rather early. Not expecting to wake at this time, which was about six in the morning, I get ready. Nothing is happening for today, so I don't know what to get ready for. As I near the door, I hear breathing. Prim. I open the door slowly. She's leaning against the door. So I don't wake her up, I open the door leaving my hand under her back. Sadly, she wakes up.

"Good morning G-." She had her arm out waiting her me to pull her up, mid sentence I yanked her up. Just to wake her a little. I keep thinking she's trying to pull of the drug dealer look, but then I remember she just woke up. Her hair is a messy lump of brown waves. Whereas her Star Wars pajamas, and Doctor Who shirt, are clean and contain no wrinkles. Smiling brightly at me she walks to the kitchen and sits. I know the smile. It's faked.

"I don't have to do anything today." Is all I say. She nods. Prim's smile faded, she must have noticed I knew. Or remembered I'm not brainless. "I'd ask to do something, but well I've been out and about for awhile."

"It's fine. You have a perfectly good Xbox, board games, and computer games that we could use to entertain ourselves." She has already grabbed two cereal boxes, two bowls, two spoons, and the milk. Raisin Brand for me, and Lucky Charms for her. I absolutely hate Lucky Charms, but she loves them. So we compromised and bought three boxes. True compromise, right here.

At nights when she is over, I can't help wondering what she thinks. I don't find it awkward at all, she can walk into my dorm as often as she wants. Most times she comes straight into my room. Knowing the other dorm rooms doesn't have a bed. I feel as though the beach is completely passed us. She doesn't pull away, not like I was begging her to stay. Honestly, I wanted her to have the space she needed.

As if she had read my thoughts,"I'm sorry, Gail. I was awful."

I know she doesn't mean now,"For what were you awful about?"

"You tried to help me through Cody's death. And when I got comfortable I pushed away."

"You don't have to be sorry. I know what it's like to believe I cause everyone close death, pain , or anger." She stares at me and smiles, for the first time in awhile. Inside I'm delighted.

We spent most of the day playing Xbox. A couple times we pull out board games. Which always leads to one of us throwing something. Considering the only two games I own are Risk and Doctor Who Monopoly. She beat me in almost every Monopoly game. It was almost 5 p.m when I checked my phone again. My Facebook notifications are packed, because I hadn't paid any attention to them.

"Hey, Prim?"

"Yes, leprechaun eyes." I'm filled with completely happiness when she called me by that nickname. I hadn't heard it in forever.

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