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**Justin's POV**

   "Jus!! You have customers! You should know we are always busy." I hear Shelby yell from the front. Moaning, I stand up out of the break couch. Three years ago, I would was folding sorts and cleanings the break room for Hot Topic. Now I'm the cashier and manager. Improvement? Maybe. 

When I get my vest on, I walk out to the counter. A girl with dark brown hair and blue eyes is at the counter with a bunch of merchandise. Honestly, what else do we sell then merchandise. The moment she sees me, she relaxes. 

"I love your buttons on your...vest?" She says, I look down. From the day I came here I bought a button . Ever since then I bought a button every time I walked in. At the moment I'm running out of space on my vest, sadly not all my buttons are on my vest. I have 400 covering my Zelda backpack. The rest of them are spread out between my room and vest.

"Eh, thanks. Anyhow what can I help with?" I shrug and began ringing her items. I look around and notice Shelby talking to another girl. They look like they are having an argument. I can't see the face of the other girl, just her hair. Which might I add, is a very vibrant hair color. 

"Thank, you. Have a good day." I say. The response I get is a polite nod. It's almost time for my shift to be done. I split my card into the slot showing my check out time. Shelby is in the back when I go get my possessions. 

"Are you leaving, Jus?" She says looking up from a stack of boxes. I nod quickly and grab my stuff. Before I can rush by her she grabs my shoulder gently. "Why have you been ignoring me lately?"

A couple days ago, my brother got hurt. It's not that I have been avoiding her, but I've been rushing in and out to go to my brother. I turn around and stare at her, "I'm not trying to avoid you, but I can't stay here." 

She grabbed the building keys and her phone,"Then let's not stay here. I'll close up and come back when we are done with whatever. Tell me what's going on as we walk, drive, whatever we need to do to get to where you are going."

I nod and she follows me as I walk out of the mall. We walk to my destination so I have enough to tell her what happened. As we walk I tell her what happened.

*Flash Back**

Monday, about four days ago, Ashley and I sat at lunch figuring out where to meet. So we could continue the project. She doesn't like to go to her house for it. And I won't bring her to my house to study, in case my father comes home early.

Gage has come everything we would work on the project. One because I don't want to leave him for my dad. Two, because I don't agree with him being alone at home. He doesn't do much during the hours Ashleh and I work. All the occupies him is messing with his brown fluffy hair. Most the time I find his blue eyes staring off in the distance.

That afternoon, after Ashley and I agreed to meet at the library that night, I went home expecting a run in with my father. But mainly, I was hoping I wouldn't have to bother with him. I walk into the house, going directly to my shared room with Gage. He was laying in bed, what looked like sleeping. The rise and fall of his stomach, reassured me that he wasn't dead. As I got closer noticed a giant bump on his head. I got close enough to see the texture of his eyelashes and right away I saw blood. I nearly screamed.

Skull. Blood. Flesh

His head was not only bruised, but it was split open. No, not completely, there was only a giant gash from his hair line to the bridge of his nose, diagonal. For the first time since I came home I take in my surroundings. The walls had blood on them, a lot. Gage doesn't move a muscle except when he breaths. 

I notice a gun in the floor, along with bullet holes on the wall. It's as if someone had tried to kill Gage, but couldn't catch him. I grab the handle of the gun to check the safety and if it's loaded. But the instant I touch it I feel mush. The guns handle has blood and human skin on it.

I then realized how quiet it seemed. I took out my headphones and hear a faint screaming. 

I run downstairs and I hear a smothered crying. As if they were being forced to hold it in. All of a sudden, I hear,"GET OFF OF ME!" I check my brother, then run to my sister's room. Empty. And the crying was getting quieter. It was definitely come from my house. Then a ear splitting shriek and a door slam happen suddenly. Quickly I run up stairs, forgetting of all events in my house. 

I grab Gage, who is still unmoving yet breathing. I place him down and pack clothes for myself in my already full school bag. Picking up the bag and Gage I run downstairs, I leave the house. Since I don't own a car, I run. He's almost so light it's easy. 

I'm scared that my sister could be dead, but I had no time to save who ever was screaming. My brother was dying and I needed to save him. 

When I arrived at the hospital, I rushed in. Yelling,"Please. Please. Please, I ne—my brother needs help! He's in bad shape!" A girl from my school is standing near the entrance in high heels. 

Baylee. The head cheerleader.

A nurse finally runs in trying  to pry my arms away from my brother. I was terrified of letting go, but I knew they would help him. 


Somewhere along the time of me telling the story, we had stopped. I was crying and I hadn't noticed. All Shelby did was look at me until I was finished. Then slowly she wrapped me in a hug. I hugged her back. She's the only person who knows what happened, that cares for me. I pull away and wipe my eyes.

"To the hospital then?" She says extending her hand. I grab it and we walk. It was quiet all the way to the hospital and cold, nonetheless.

When we got there, I checked in stating his guardian brother showed up, again. I lead Shelby down the long hallway, up two flights of stairs and then to his room. The moment I walk in, I'm crying again. There sitting next to Gage's bedside is Janet, my sister. She has stitches on her face and neck. Along with being covered in cuts and stitches, she has a cast on her right arm. Janet stands up and practically attacks me in a hug. I'm on the verge of sobbing.

Of all the years, my father had only attecked my brother and I. He'd never go after Janet. Most days she wouldn't even be home, ever since my brother started getting abused. I always thought she hated me. When really all she was doing was perfecting all of us. She saw how hard it was for me to help Gage every time he got beat. She didn't want me to have to stitch her up or nurse her to health. It killed me inside all here years, when she barely talked to me. 

Shelby left, but left me a text so she didn't interrupt.

Justin, stay strong. Remember, I have three extra rooms in my house I'm renting. You can stay with me anytime. I love you, and I care for you. You're a brother to me. Now I understand why you never wanted me to come over, or why you never came over. Janet and Gage, need you right now. I'm always here to watch, house, or to listen.

My sister and I stayed like that, hugging and crying, until her nurse came back to get her. The nurse said as long as I fill in the paperwork I can go see her. Then I can get her side of the story, but for now I have to watch Gage. He hasn't woke up at all since he came here. And the doctor says he is in a coma from blood lost and from getting a brutal blow to the brain, when his head wasn't completely strong enough. 

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