Odd Out Come

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Dedicated to @LeeRose00 !
Love you swag muffin!! <3
Here's your update xD

***Prim's POV***

   While on my way to my tiny locker–to put my stuff up to go to lunch–, I was pulled by my arm. I turn back around and finish putting my books back in my locker. Looking around I spot Bailee and her minions, standing by the double doors.

Bailee is the head cheerleader at our school. She stands with her chest puffed–as if trying to show what she has– unfortunately for her she has nothing there. The only two things that I could see a guy falling for is her blue eyes, that could pierce a soul with one look, and her vibrant red hair.

Her other two friends are Erin and Janet. Both with blonde hair that could be Barbie's colored. Most the time they're always by Bailee's side. Erin is slightly taller then Janet with heels. But Janet is the tallest, even though Bailee wears higher heels to be the tallest. Of course, because she needs to be superior.

I ignore all three of them, and walk to the cafeteria. The café was all the way across campus from my locker. Which meant I had to through the court yard. The grass was all crusty and frozen from the cold. All the trees were naked of their leaves. The best part was I was wearing a short sleeve shirt; so I could feel the violent breeze each time. It was only about 51 degrees. Of course, most the people outside were staring at me.

How odd, of her, to be wearing minimum clothes? They must be thinking. Actually to be have more precise wording,'Dang! Why is she not wearing a jacket?' Because now our world doesn't even talk to proper English.

I approach the cafeteria and got in line to pay for a salad. Afterwards I got to a table, with only on boy sitting at it. Dex I think, he was the transfer.

"Is anyone sitting here?" I ask quietly. He shakes his head, no. The tables were circular but still had the attached chairs.

I look around the cafeteria taking in my surroundings. I expected to see Gail by now, he had been with me every time I was lonely or uncomfortable. Like I had asked him, too.

As I started mixing my ranch in with the rest of my salad, I continued to look around. Not much happened here, but I did notice two tables were open. My table and another one. Most the people in the cafeteria pilled in on tables. Mainly because Bailee and her crowd will knock anyone over for her royal seat.

Speaking of the devil, she walks in to the room with her two minions by her side. They all have a pilled high plate-more than likely paid by guys. For awhile I sit there quietly eating my salad. Then someone near me spoke.

"Move, UK!" Demanded Erin-one of the minions- standing to the right or Bailee. Dex slowly gathers his stuff and left. Bailee sits down next to me on my left as if it was a normal thing. I slightly move to my right.

"Heyyy, P." Bailee says extending the length of the word. Seriously? She doesn't have the deny to say my actual name.

"My name is Prime." I snap quietly. One of her minions smirks at me, I really want to slap her. 

Bailee ignores my comment toward my name,"OMG, P, my dad was being so disrespectful to me last night!" She says staring at me. My head is down low so my hair is in the way of seeing her face. "All I did was ask for a new pair of boots! I only have one pair and it's getting cold out. He said no so I threatened him. Can you believe he told me he's slap me?"

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