The Blow Out

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**Cody's POV**

This morning I woke up very tired. I felt so bad about the incident at the coffee shop last night. With Primrose. I always hated being mean to people. Honestly didn't mean to hurt her feelings if I did. Which I'm pretty sure I did.

Last night was the first time she said one thing to be after the day I showed up at her house.

-Last Night-
I find myself at midnight wide awake. So I go down to the shops at the strip mall. The only place down the road the was always open was the coffee shop.

So I show at the desk asking for a table one. Obviously in a public place like this all I could get was a table for two.

The coffee was down right terrible, but I bought like three muffins. When I finished my first muffin and well in the middle of the second, the shop door jingles. My first thought was, who would come at this time of night? Then I realise I must look odd considering it's midnight. I turn my head and look to see who it is.

Primrose. Prim?

She noticed me and gave me a weak smile. Ignoring, was she had been doing for the passed seven months. She had meant to do it to me. Even knowing this, I stupidly wave her over.

"Hi.." Prim says as she takes a seat across from me.

"Hello." I say trying to hold the anger I have inside. She looks at me with a serious look. I've seen her smile for the last months. But not for me. Instead I get a hard stare. Oh well.

"How are you doing?" She says picking at her finger nails.

I stare at her for awhile,"Oh you know the usual. Being ignored by someone for no reason. And you?" I snap not realising I did afterwards. There was no trace of the smile anymore.

"Actually before you answer. Why have you been ignoring me," I ask so roughly she is startled. My eyes dart to the window beside me on my left.

"I felt bad.."she says slowly. My attention was taken aback by her response.


She hesitated for awhile. More then likely contemplating her choice of words," you showed up at my house. To see if I was okay and you had to spend two hours in the hospital filing paper work. All you wanted was to see if I was okay-" she stopped.

"What do you have to feel bad about? I came to help you, even if that didn't happen would you still feel bad?" I almost shout, but then I look at my surrounds.

"Yes." Prim was quiet most the time anyway I didn't expect much explanation when she came in. Blame? Guilty Conscious? What doe she possibly have to be feeling bad about?

"Why because you didn't want me there? Because I actually came even thought I never really talked to you?" I say furiously. Her eyes turn dark.

"Yes! Alright, I knew why you came. You found a moment to finally have a freaking conversation with me! Everyday I found you looking at me, do you understand how odd that is. The fact you started the moment my parents went off to vacation was scary! Also the fact that you knew where I lived." She started crying. I got up and left. Thinking about all the times I was looking at her.

The first moment I noticed her was when she was called out in a meeting. Her parents couldn't come to a precalculus meeting.

All the days after that. In the halls when we switched classes. I saw her stare back a lot. Mainly because she was walking in the direction I was looking. Always toward me.

Every Time she smiled. It reminded of my sister's smile. Azna always wanted to meet a girlfriend of mine. But I never had one.

With my sister, I was always occupied. My attention. My love everything.
I got to the dorm room twenty minutes after seeing Prim. As I walked in I noticed a small lump on my mattress. Azna. I saw her little face. She had been crying.

I climb into bed and wrap my arms lightly around her tiny, fragile body. She must have been awake, because she turns and cuddles into my chest. Once again all my attention.

"Daddy left..with a rich woman...he brought her home then left saying he'll never be back." Her sobs were loud now. I soother her until she's asleep.

Gone. Two people that I watched closely.

My dad left us, just like Tina had.
Prim had already left my mind by now.

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