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**Ashely's POV**

Cody and I have been hanging out. Not much though, he is still hung up on that girl. He thinks my hair color change to make people uncomfortable. That's not the case. It changes depending on Cody. If only he actually looked at me.

Today I dye my hair a different color. His favorite color, one he says would appeal to my tone. Most the time Cody dresses to impress Primrose. He never wore skinny jeans,beanies, or band shirts. He doesn't even listen to that type of music. It bothers me that he does that. It's practically lying to her, but if he gets her congrats to him.

"Ash! Your phone is ringing." I hear Dylan yell at me from the room. He's been allowing me to stay with him since the call. I haven't returned home in awhile. Even though I have to at one point. Audoy's been spending s lot of time with the neighbors. I feel bad for not staying with him.

"Leave it Dylan. They can leave a message." I yell back while blow drying my reddish hair. "Also, Audoy...can he possibly stay here with me- for the time."

"Ash seriously, you have to ask. Of course your brother can stay with you. I would never keep you two apart. Never." Dylan says coming inside. I turn the hair drier off and face him. I smile for the first time since the all call. He wraps his arms around me,"I'm sorry you even had to go through all of this. It sucks."

Dylan never really comforts me this way. It's as if he has feelings for something so strong but he can't spill it. But I could be wrong.

"Thanks Dyl. It means a lot to me. I really just don't want my mom to show u-" I was interrupted by the bell ringing. Rushing out of the room I realised I forgot my school stuff, Ugh. I run back quickly and straight on ran into someone.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you there. Are you alright?" Asked a husky voice. From the sound I knew he had to be a football player. I look up, nope. Not even close he was wearing a gold jersey. Henson that's what the name says. "I'm going to repeat that again, are you al-"

Interrupt him,"sorry, yeah I'm fine. I wasn't paying attention.im so sorry." I realised his stuff was all over the place. Bending down to pick it up, I bonk my head against his. Ugh can this not get any worse blah.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have tried. Thank you, very much." He said when I hand him his stuff. I shyly laugh

"You're welcome." I say walking away. He's eyes were such a pale blue I'd never seen eyes that color. I smile to myself, me fantasizing about guys. Not Cody.

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