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**Ashley's POV**
Its been six days since Cody died. I haven't had much time to think of him. Maybe he would've wanted that. Or maybe his suicide was to make me spend my whole life suffocating in my guilt. I wouldn't have known. Kyle and I have spent the two days, since he approached me, roaming the hospital floors and meeting his friends. I shouldn't say friends, because he hates them. They're all cancer patients that were forced to go to the support group meetings. Kyle doesn't appear at the support group anymore, I don't blame him.

"Ley, could you hand me that bag?" Kyle and I are in his one bed room. It's huge, but is mainly packed with books. I grab the plastic bag, of publix food. I know he hates the food here. Handing it to him, I notice a sketch book hidden under the mattress. He must've saw my eyes looking, because he scoops the book in farther. I don't ask.

"Kyle?" A nurse says walking through the door. "Would like to here the results of the past year screenings?"

Kyle explained to me the difference of screenings and tests. The doctor reduced his chemotherapy this year. I wouldn't know why, all I know is that Kyle hasn't taken chemotherapy at all this year.

"Unless there is a change, no" I nod. I'd understand. Why received bad news, when you can easily wait for good news.

She smiles wide,"Well, then you really want to see the results." Over the years he has been here, he talked of no change. The three tumors never went away, neither did his leukemia. He hasn't ever been cancer free. No breaks. None. I stand up, thinking I have to leave.

"No, Ashley stay. What's the result?" Kyle stands up and reaches for the paper. The nurse backs away her hand, before he grabs it.

"I'll say it, are you ready?" We both nod. Even though it's his news. She sighs, and starts smiling again, "Hold on, I have to stop smiling." We sit there for a minute,"Okay, whew. You're results came negative."

I have no idea what negative means. Or what test he took. But his whole entire face changes. He yells and runs to pick me up, he spins me around a lot,"I'm cancer free!!"

The nurse laughs,"Now we have to break the lie. For the past five years you were cancer free, we kept you here inserting only one-third of the chemotherapy you had received. Making sure the tumors wouldn't come back. And we all know the recovery year mark is five years. You've been completely cured."

He doesn't even care of the fact, that they kept him here for five years. Then I realize, he doesn't care. He would give anything to stay here, to not go back to the orphanage. What is he going to do.

**Dylan's POV**
I hear the yell before the impact comes. Dex has to move back to London. I have to go with him. Nothing is left for me here. I haven't seen Ashley since he died. I came to my mother and father to tell them. I feel the stink of the punch, I also feel Dex's hands on my back. Either comforting or trying to make me appear strong, by standing me up. My fathers reaction was surprising, he didn't care. My mother, however, freaked. And well, punched me.
"I'm sorry, God, you know me. I've lost many people. You're not going." He stands there. Well, more of sinks into picture. I watch them with anger. He's legally an adult though.

"Dyl, you're 18," I turn to his mother,"with all due respect, we came to inform you that we are going. Not to ask for permission."

His father speaks first,"Sure."

Dylan's mother sighs and just nods. I'm stunned that it actually worked. Completely surprised. So, Dylan and I spend the next three hours packing him for London. Luckily, he doesn't have much.

My mother paid for two tickets, thinking Kat is still here. I hadn't told her that, Kat left two weeks ago. Whoops. After packing Dylan and I sit and watch TV. Our school year ends around January. Sadly, we start around July. But it's Super Bowl Sunday. Normally I don't watch it, considering I'm British. But a lot of people in America obsess over the game. I would never understand. Gladly, it's only the kickoff. I'm scared Dylan yells like other people.

To my surprise he turns to me,"Can we watch something else?"

I, honestly, thought all Americans gawked over the Super Bowl. Dylan stares at his fingers, as I surf through the channels.

**Kyle's POV**
We left the hospital a couple hours after the news. It had been the first time in five years I left the grounds of the building. Not like I wasn't allowed to. I just didn't find a need. My parents, well, not alive. Where would I go, if I left my only consideration of home? The closest people to me are, well, my nurses.  

Ashley and I just walked around talking, when we first left. Not having an exact destination. "Are you going to begin college?"

I had thought of the idea of beginning school. Going at least. Or maybe just attempt to get accepted. I sincerely don't know. The idea of being accept by a group, or school. Considering I've never been accept in anything. Every time I try to be accepted, all I get is sympathy. Sympathy is also the only way I get into anything. Yet, I don't accept that easy way in.

I stare at her,"Maybe."

"Okay, think of this. Why, if you didn't have full chemotherapy for five years, do you have no hair growing?"

I'm surprised by the question. Also surprised on how little she knows of cancer.

I sighed slowly, she blinks at me,"Yes, the chemotherapy makes your hair fall out," she nods, understanding only that part,"but the doctor shaves your hair, before. So you don't look like an Alaskan Husk shedding."

She nods, with a smile caused by my comparison,"Aren't you mad?"

Almost instantly, I close my eyes. My whole life consist of false hope. Orphanage, people come and go. I was never one to go. Of course, I went to foster homes. But since I was eight, I've always had hope that the cancer would go away. At times the nurse came in to say the news. Every time it's bad news. At age eleven I declined the results. Knowing there was no point, in hearing the same news.

"No." And we continue walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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