Party- (Part 2)

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**Ashley's POV**
After school completely ended, I went to the dorms. Dylan was playing with Legos and Audroy was playing with Emily's hair. Normally she would go home when Dyl got home. Well not tonight I guess.

"Hey, Dyl?" I say questionably. He turns his head and looks at me.

"Yes, Ash?" He says back. The smile doesn't seem to hide on his face.

"Do you think tonight you could watch Audroy for me till late?" I say quietly to Dylan.

"Oh, so you can go with your manly friend of yours?" He smirks and winks at me. I bust out laughing. The fact that he made a joke around Audroy was the funny part. But his face is hilarious when he smirks. He looks like he is holding in a fart.

"Er...yes. But anyway can you please." I say.

"Yeah. But is it alright if him and I go for ice cream then movies?" See normal people wouldn't ask they would just go. But with Audroy it's different, I don't want something ba to happen to him.

"Yes." Dylan got all excited. "But! You have to keep an eye on him all times. And hold his hand when you are walking somewhere."

"Yes Sir!" He salutes to me and I laugh. Funny how one stupid think can make me laugh at weird times. He brings out the best in me.

**at her house**
When I get to the house it's quiet, and lonely. Since Aunt left us it hasn't been touched, as far as I know. I didn't have much closes at the dorm so I had to come here anyway.

I go upstairs to my room. Or known as the attic. We didn't have a lot of rooms for the family. Only two the master and one other. Aunt turned the extra into her drug garden, so Audroy and slept in the attic. Looking in my closet I see the only nice thing I have. It's an ocean like wavy dress. The top is strapless and a blended blue as purple colors. With different shades of blue, white, and purple fabric that flowed for the skirt. I never wore it because my insecurity about having sleeves. But now it's the only thin I own that's nice.

It took me about an hour to get ready, but half way through my hair I hear a knock on the door. Quickly I pin my hair up in a curly twist at the top. I glide toward the door and open it. Henson stand there with white roses and in a nice black jacket.

"Hey you look...beautiful." He says and takes my hand. I'm shaking because of what I'm going to do of my parents.

"Are you ready to go?" I say closing the door behind me.

"I haven't met your parents yet." He says calmly. It's sweet that he would go through the trouble to meet them.

"It's no big deal you don't have to." I say quickly completely unsure of what to say.

"But I have to, Ashley. It's your parents. It's not a proper date without meeting them." He snaps all of a sudden. It startles me and in taken back by his sudden anger.

"To be perfectly honest, taking me to a party isn't even close to a proper first date. So meeting my parents is fine left a lone." I say shaking.

"No, Ashley. I have to meet them." He almost yells. So it doesn't take much to anger him with rage. I forcefully walk to the door and open it.

"Ta-da my parents. Feel free to shake their hands they won't bite at all," I snap at him as I look toward the emptiness of the doorway,"My parents won't ever meet you because they both left my family. Sorry not everyone has a normal happy go lucky family, Henson." I feel my eyes start to sting. No I will not cry. I look up to the sky.

He stops completely. Turns white has a ghost,"I'm sorry this was a mistake. I should've never talked to you. Nevermind the party." Henson takes his car and drives off.

This was a mistake.

Wow. I don't know how to take that. Slowly I walk back inside the house. Then a tear comes, and they all come. Never in the years thy my parents have left me did I ever say it out loud. Audroy never understood what was wrong with mom. Or why we didn't have both parents. I always stayed strong for him. The door clicks open and I look up to see Dylan and Audroy starring down at me with ice cream.

"Hey, Ash. I saw what happened on the way back from ice cream. Do you want some I can go back and buy one for you?" Dylan says. I look at him and wipe my tears away. Then I start to cry again. He send Audroy into the attic so he can play with some of the books. When my brother is in the room, Dylan pulls me into his chest. I continue to cry as he holds me.

I notice is ice cream began to melt so I pulled away so he could finish. But he held me to his side. "Ash, do you want some? It's your favorite Double Dunker." Now why would he get Double Dunker for himself. He hates that ice cream.

I nod and he hands me the ice cream. Normally I would decline because germs and slobber. But it's Dylan and right now I don't care. He hands it to me and I take a bite out of the scoop. He recoils. He hates that I can calmly bite into any ice cream without cold chills.

I ended up finishing up the ice cream. Not realising it wasn't mine to begin with,"Sorry Dyl. I knew you wanted ice cream and I ate yours." I stand up and grab my shoes,"I'll go get you another one."

He grabs my wrist and pulls me down again,"No. For one I hate ice cream on cold nights. And secondly that ice cream was for you. Not every man is riding in on a white pony in shiny armor- to save your life or day-, sometimes it's the guy you knew all your life. With your favorite ice cream."

"Yeah but not every girl needs rescuing from life." I say under my breath.

"No, but you didn't need rescuing from life. You need rescuing from the past." He wraps me in his arms while I cry some more into his arms.

What could I possibly do without Dylan in my life?

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