New College?

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**Cody's POV**
Five days ago I got a call from my dad. Surprising considering he hasn't even tried to make contact with me for the past weeks.

In the distance, I hear a faint ring from my phone. Opening my eyes I look at the clock. Two in the morning?? Are you seriously. Ugh out of all the things I could wake up to it's my phone.

I unlock my phone and look at the caller ID. It says the actual number which means they don't have a contact in my phone. I answer anyway.

"Yes?" I say sitting up completely. Azna stirs in her sleep on the other bed. Her feet shuffle back and forth on the mattress.

"Cody?" The familiar voice says. Tiredly and cracking. Dad. "I was going to wait till tomorrow, but I couldn't sleep."

"Wait for what, is something wrong?" Honestly I don't even care if something is wrong. It's his problem now.

"Yes, no I mean no. Everything is fine. I just wanted to ask if you'll join us for dinner tomorrow?" Us? Was it that rich lady he left with. That wasn't much of another person, unless she actually has a name in not interested.

"Dad. Let me get one thing straight with you. I would never spend one more second or millisecond in any place with you. Of all people I expected you to be the one not to hurt us or leave us. Not to leave her. What ever you want to say to me can be said trough your dreams. Because that is the only place you'll ever see me again." My anger is boiling up inside. I feel as though can't hear myself think. Let alone listen to him talk. So I hung up.


Most of the time since he had called, I was wondering why he'd want to have dinner with me. Didn't he leave because of us? To get away from his past and earn a new future.

It was Saturday so I had no school. All day Azna and I played games and watched movies. Although I had been playing with her, my mind wondered somewhere else. The college was planning on taking the dorm, because I haven't paid for it this semester.

"CODY!! I wanted to win!" Azna screams playfully. She does that every time she thinks she's going to lose. At first she startled me by screaming, but I had it coming for me.

"Well, it's a struggle to win playing with you. You always win!" I playfully yell back. The moment I get up to get a drink someone knocks on the door.

Once I get around all the game pieces I open it. It's a mail man?

"Are you Cody?" He says sternly. I nod and he hands me a package with a clipboard to sign. Quickly I sing the clipboard and close the door.

"Whatcha got there Coody?" Azna makes me name sound like coodies when she wants something. Obviously she wants in on the package.

"I don't know. But we'll open it later. So we can finish the game." She yells after I finished talking

"But Coody I want to know now." With her bottom lip quivering she stares at me. I laugh an MIW towards the couch.

"Sure." I try to open it with my fingers but it doesn't work. She hands me a knife. Seriously this child knows where all the sharp things are. I haven't found one sharp thug since I came here. Instead of questioning her I take them and open the package.

On the top of the package Azna yanks something out,"GLITTER!!" I bust it laughing. Who puts glitter in a package. Once I settle down I take all the stuff out carefully. A picture of my little sister when she was an infant. Okay...then. Next to it is a small letter, but it's in like a kindergartens hand writing so it's terrible. Probably is Azna's too. Poor girl still had problems writing. Then a bunch of packaging paper. I begin to think it's empty when I see a yellow envelope.

I pick it up and study it. On the ousted it is Belmont College. This was the college I applied to after high school. The only one I would go to because of the science classes they had. Taking the scissors I open the envelope, slowly.

"We regret to inform you..."

Nevermind I had hope. Now I know it's just another refusal. I lay it down on the couch next to Azna and finally get my drink.

"Aren't you going to read it to me Bubba?" Azna says in a sweet voice. She knows how to read but she like hearing me talk.

"You can read. I don't feel like speaking a refusal letter out loud." I look at Azna and she already had her tiny hands on the letter. Poor girl doesn't know half the words on that paper.

"Coody it says,'we made a mistake' but that all I can get from the stupid thing." She's smart enough to know that it's a college letter for a two year old she's not average smart. Slowly I turn toward her.

"Normally they don't say that Azna." I quickly jump through the thugs and snatch the letter from her. Smashing next to the couch over her I read it

"We regret to inform you that you've not been accepted by Belmont; however you have been given a scholarship to go. We've made a mistake with your scoring on your most recent test..."

Is this what dad was talking about?



Further on in the letter it explains more about the mistake. Also describing how I will afford it. The scholarship not only always free dorm payments but is also a free ride into the amount of years need to get a major degree in any science of my choosing. I could finally have a purpose in life. Well purpose in college. The letter states I can start school in ten days, but the letter was dated eight days ago. Which means I have exactly two more days to arrive there.

Oh. My. Gawd. I can't even explain the feelings I'm having right now. All I have to get there is my car. But it need gas and all I have to do is drive. It's only a five hour trip it's not that bad.

"Azna. Start packing all your stuff in the car! Okay, I'm going to the school office to disclose my college schooling." She gets excited. Packing the car means leaving and that's all she's ever wanted.

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