New Faces

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**Ashley's POV**
It's been three days. The doctors finally took Cody's body out. I still come to the hospital, just to sit on the roof. Despite any type of weather, I'm always in jeans shorts. Sitting on the roof has been the only way I get over my emotions. I never stay long enough inside the hospital. Kyle the nurse in the front always allows me to the roof. He's always there, which I feel is because of me.

"Hey, Ghost Girl." I turn and I see Kyle. This is the first he's ever engaged in a conversation. The blue head wear he usually has on is gone. His hair is all gone, and for the first time I notice he has absolutely no hair on his face. Hazel eyes pierce my brown ones.

"Ghost Girl, huh? I like it." Kyle shrugs, as if it's second nature giving nicknames, for him. He stands at a distance, waiting for permission to sit. I slightly wave him over with my left hand, leaving my right hand to steady me. I peer down at the rod, while he comes over to sit next to me. The road is strange, to me. I sit here in no motion, watching a world of rushing. People always going somewhere. While I stay in one place.

"You're never inside long enough to talk." I turn to him, and notice that he was staring straight at me.

"Why would I, no one to talk to." I say very seriously. His eyes turn painful. I can tell it's because he is the one in pain. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a plastic bag. In a split second he's on his feet, puking in the plastic bag. I'm not disgusted.

He breathes heavily,"I'm sorry, that you had to see that. It happens a lot." I sigh slightly.

"It's alright. I have a question though." The last part just comes out of my mouth, before I thought of it. Stupid.

"Shoot." Is all he says
"Why are you always here? Dressed like a nurse? At the front?" It's more like three questions. Now I feel bad, I'm prying into his life.

"It's a long story, up to hearing it?" I nod, not trusting words. He sighs again,"Alright. Well, when I was eight I was diagnosed with lung cancer.  For the next three years I stayed here. Then they found a tumor in my brain. This place is absolutely boring, so I voluntarily work in the front, not like I can go home. So far I've been staying here for eleven years."

It wasn't that long, "So, have you gone to school since you were eight?" He shakes his head.

"Unlike most patients, I'm still on Chemotherapy. Most people are immune after three to four years." We sit there for awhile. Both staring down at the road.

"I'm sorry, I'm very nosey." He shrugs agains. The door on the roof opens, startling him. I chuckle slightly. Hopefully quiet enough for him not to hear. We both turn around to look at the door. A female nurse appears, her name tag reads, Blair.

"Kyle, you need to take your Effexor pills." He stand slowly stumbling a little bit. Afraid of him falling over I stand quickly grabbing his arm. Kyle looks over at me.

"Just because I'm sick, doesn't mean I can't handle myself. Please." I see the pleading in his eyes and voice. Slowly I remove my hands. He smiles slightly and walks over to Blair. Then he turns around,"Damn cancer is got me depressed." Surprisingly, I find myself laughing. He laughs to. Blair stands respectively, smiling slightly.

I wouldn't have known the joke, if I hadn't known what Effexor was. Effexor is an antidepressant pill. Highly strong, one pill over the dosage could possibly kill someone. Cody always took them, well obviously worked shortly. "Maybe you could take some vocabulary classes. Then you won't be limited to a simple four letter word." I say it. Instantly I regret it. He smiles wide, despite the pain, I notice, it causes him.

"301." He must of saw my confusion,"Maybe you could come by, stay inside long enough to teach me yourself, miss gho-" he's then interrupted by Blair.

"Kyle." He follows the drug nurse inside, turns around to see me one last time.

**Emily's POV**

I woke up. Obviously. I look around my dorm room. My Pokemon posters are practically falling off the wall. I guess, I haven't realized. I'm barely here as it is, to fix them. My Christmas tree is still up, like I had pledged to keep it up all year. So far, I'm holding up the pledge, easily.

"Huh?" Instead of words in response to my noise. I get shaken, more roughly. I look down, Audroy has my phone in his hand. "Yes, child?" I go to reach for my phone and I end up falling out of bed. Ugh. He laughs at my pain and lays my phone on my chest.

I put the phone to my ear,"Yes?"
'Is this Emily?'
The man on the other end has a deep voice,"Yes, sir, it is. Who is this?"
'Will. And no need for formality. I'm coming by.'
"Wh-wait, what?"
'Did Ashley call you?'
Before I responded, there's a knock at my door. And a second incoming call. I pull the phone away the caller ID reads, Ashley.
" Will. Give me a minute. Someone is at my door."
He chuckles into the phone,'Please take your time.'
I got to my main door. My dorm building has windows in the hallway, allowing people to peer out their main doors to see outside the front of the building. I open the door, in front of me is a man in a black suit

" Um, yes?" I peer around hum through the hall window. A black cruiser car sits in front of the building. Audroy is standing behind me.

Before the man responds, Audroy yells,"Chan!" He runs into the arms of the man. I was completely shocked when the man removed his sunglasses and hugged Audroy back.

"Audie! I haven't seen you forever. Sorry, ma'am. I didn't mean to intrude. But Ashley sent us."
"For what, exactly?" It sounds a little ruder then I expected to come out of my mouth.
"Audroy." I close the door behind me. Walking towards the elevator. The man follows me.

Once outside, I go straight to the car. A man in nice clothing exits the car,"You must be Emily. I'm Will."
In a split second, Dex's car pulls up. Revealing Ashley and Dylan. I had saw the car twice, coming to the dorms with a cat. And at the hospital.

"Emily. I'm so sorry. I came here right away. I was caught up with someone at the hospital, I for got to call you about Will." I'm so confused. Who's Will?

"Im confused." Ashley, Will, and Dylan all nod. Understanding why I'm confused.
"Will is Ashley's Uncle. He and Ashley have been planning this for years now. Will lives in Florida, he has a stable house hold, allowing to tutor Audroy and care for him." Dylan, is the only who speaks. I'm shocked.
"Why now?" Is all I say.

"Ashley is very stubborn. When my sister was being abusive, Ashley disagreed to my help. Thinking I grew up the way my sister had. With drugs and no respect towards kids. Ashley didn't trust me for awhile." Finally, Will speaks. Now I'm filled in, sort of.

"So why are you here?" I ask. Turning to Will.
"To care for Audroy, down in Florida that is."
I start shaking,"No. Please, don't take him, I can care for him. I have for the years you weren't here. He's fine here."

"Emily, this is my brother. He needs a stable house. I'm nothing compared to Will. Please, don't do this."
"But without Audroy, you won't have a reason to hang out with me. And without Audroy, I have nothing to care for."

Ashley comes to me and wraps her arms around me,"Ems, my brother is not the reason for our friendship. You can always come over, and you'll see Audroy during holidays."

I nod. I don't cry, I don't like, too. Specially not in front of everyone.

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