Not Alone Ish

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**Primrose's POV**
  -5 months later-

It's been almost five months after Alix found out about our parents. That was the only thing that was exciting in the past two months. But it hasn't gotten easier on me. He doesn't say much to me except when he comes home late. All he says is that he went to hang out with his friends. Only thing he doesn't know is that I know he's been lying to me. I've been getting calls from his school that he doesn't participate in class projects. Or group projects. Before mom and dad perished, we got calls telling us he was talking in class. But not they are worried, because all his friends don't hear from him.

   Ever since Gail hung out with me under the tree in the courtyard, him and I have been hang out a lot.

   -2 months ago-

The clouds in the morning were so marvelous. They're always there, to protect us from the hot heat of the sun. Although it still gets hot, everyday. I was sitting under the tree looking at the clouds or the past two hours. My classes didn't start till late anyway.

Outside it was cold for once, but it's like three in the morning so that could be the cause. I had on my skinny jeans and a Black Veil Brides band shirt practically freezing. But I never wanted to go inside, I didn't want to be hidden away from the one thing I could completely depend on. The sky.

Maybe I was just overreacting, but when you lose the two most important people in your life I gets rough. Even though I stay strong for my brother, I always end up crying myself to sleep. The worst part is Alix hears me, so during midnight he crawls into bed with me and comforts me. He knows what it's like-obviously- but I'm glad he's willing to help me.

This one cloud that I was staring at was in the shape of a heart I guess. You never really tell. I end up turning to see if it changes, it's a broken heart now. Wow. That pretty much sums up my entire day right now.

   I close my eyes and try to sleep under the sky. Nope nothing, but I hear a thumping. At first I thought I was having a heart attack, but then I realised it wasn't near me. No in stead it was coming towards me. I sit up. As I sit up I see a boy running so fast, he must have realised me. He stops and I finally see who it is, Gail. I force a smile and wave him over. His eyes stare at mine as he makes his way over. I lay back down.

His presence isn't absent as I feel his arm accidentally brush mine as he last down too. I open my eyes and turn my head to my left and only see his head upside down. His body was turned away from me. But his eyes and face were close.

"Clouds. Sometimes I think the same cloud follows me in the car or on the public bus, but then I soon understand that a cloud doesn't follow you. Your perspective of the cloud changes." Is all he says as we lay there in silence. He never really said much. Out of everything he knows more about my life then anyone at this school. But he is jut so guarded, not one thing about him slips out."You don't have to force a smile around me, I hate noticing your forcefulness of happiness. It's not true."

"What's not true." Is all I ask.

"That forcing a smile makes you happy. It only reminds you that you're not happy," he says turning his head towards me. We are a good distance that I can look at him and be about a foot apart or two. So I turn and look at him.

"What makes you think I was trying to be happy?" I say in a matter-a-factly tone. His eyes have a sadness inside, but his face shows no emotion.

"Well when you force a smile it either means two things, you were trying not to scare me away or you were trying to convince me you were happy. So which is it?" He says in a calm voice having no reaction to my comeback. I look at him for awhile and the I turn my head back towards the sky.

He sighs and waits. Finally I speak,"Everyone sees me as a happy golucky person. I have to embrace it or they'll know somethings up, what better way then to practice on someone who doesn't know me well."

"To be perfectly honest, that'll never work for me. Ever. I know to much. You'll just have to convince me you're happy. Which in your state of mind, isn't helping you at all. Convincing is not your talent." He replies swiftly. I actually smile in that. He rises up on his elbow and looks at me,"Your smile is very pretty. It's a shame I have to try to get you to smile." Does he actually believe that? His eyes are enough for me to smile. Knowing he isn't afraid to openly speak to me at all, makes me smile. Him understanding that he doesn't have to walk on eggshells around me, makes me smile. Gail's living presences, makes me smile. But it's hard to show, I smile on the inside but the outside is locked.

"Can you do me a favor?" I ask softly.

He looks at me with his eyebrows knitted together,"What's the favor?"

"Whenever you see that I'm alone anywhere, can you come talk to me." I say it slow just to make sure it doesn't sound stupid coming out.

"Sure, it's not like I have a bunch of friends or any in fact." He says laying back down. The bell rings, I look at my phone and realize it's eight in the morning. I'm wondering how I spent five hours barely talking to him.

"Well you see, Primrose, I have this girl in my algebra class right now and she might be lonely. So fortunately I'll have to escort you to your locker and class." He says locking eyes with me and smiling. I smile a real smile this time.

-Flashback over-

Hey guys sorry it was a long chapter I just don't like having a two part chapter.
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