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It's Thursday and Primrose nor her brother have been to school. Yeah, we all skip school, but it's so unlike them.

College is fun. To a degree. This is my first year, most the people are eighteen or nineteen. In my classes. There are a few older men and women, ones who didn't attend college when they graduated. But Primrose gets the most attention, she's only sixteen. She graduated high school two years ahead of her class. With a record like that, I would never miss a day of school.

"Ash!" Briant calls down the sidewalk. No one could ever mistaken his voice, as squeaky as a mouse. Also he's Cody's brother, so I'm around him enough to remember what he sounds like.

"Don't call me that, Briant! Where's Cody?" I say skipping the nickname, because if I say a nickname he'll call me Ash. I continue walking hoping Briant stays behind. Spoke to soon, he runs up to get closer to me.

"He's going to Prim's house today," he replys,"to see if she's alright." He adds quickly. Probably making sure I don't get the wrong idea.

"She hates that nickname. Well, unless it's Alix or Jack calling her by that."Jack is her boyfriend. I don't have any classes with him, he still goes to high school. I don't see him often, but I know enough to understand he is a jerk. Most the time I don't understand why Primrose would even date a guy like that.

"Nicknames are my thing. I hate being all serious," I ignore his comment and walk onto the campus and make my way to the dorms.
I find Cody's dorm room. Although his dad has a house next to campus, Cody got a dorm to stay out of his way. Also his dad wanted him to be able to go somewhere else.

I knock on the door. I slip a sock on the handle and walk in. Once I close the door, Cody just put a shirt on.

All of a sudden, Azna, Cody's two-year old sister, runs at me from around the corner. I scoop her up and bounce her in my hip. "What are you doing here little brat?" I ask Azna

"Daddy let me come down with Cody," Azna said in her little two year old voice. " Cody is going to Primr-o-ose's house , ow!"

I toss her on the twin water bed, with the Star Warz bed sheets. The other bed in the small bedroom has batman sheets, with a comforter. He's such a nerd, well Azna is. She's the one who picked them out. the room matches both beds, I guess. The bedroom with the batman bed has black and yellow splatter paint on the walls. The room I'm in has grass painted on it with a bunch of ewoks hiding in the grass.

Cody  begans to talk, but a pounding on the door interrupts him. Normally people would just walk in. But I slipped a sock on the door handle. Even if its not my room, I still hate it when poeple barge in.

''Come in, its always open.'' Cody yells at the person on the other side. As he answers Dylan walks through the door, Azna notices him and jumps up and down frantically. He walks over to her and takes her by the hands. Dyaln was about to fling her in the air higher, when Cody takes her feet. They swing her like a jump rope.

"OK, if we aren't going to classes. Then we might as well stay here. Because by the time we get down to the port, Dyl, we would be five minutes late. And we all know what Mrs.Haste does when people are late." I say to Dylan as I open the door.

I walk out the door down the hall when Dylan finally catches up to me,'' You seem agitated. What's wrong?" The thing about the guys is they can tell if something is wrong. I honestly don't think that Cody was paying attention to me this morning. Which is part of the reason he didn't ask me first.

"I'm just, UGH, Primrose this Primrose that. He hasn't even had one conversation with her, and he is planning on going over to her house!" I pratically yell out for all the world. Dylan just stares at me for awhile. After that he didn't say anything we walked to class in pure silence.

-3 hours Later-
After my third period in school, I got a call. I wasn't too happy about it either.
Sorry it took me awhile to update :/ I know I'll be able to publish at least two more before October.

But, I hope you guys like it so far.
Give me some feedback!! Tell me what you think. Also comment your favorite song or songs.

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