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You know how sometimes you want to believe things will turn out the way you wanted them to? Yeah, well sometimes you have to stop believing or at least try to make them the way you imagined them as. Because waiting around all day or for a whole year or maybe twelve years!! Isn't going to get you what you want and people can't read minds. So how are they to know you like them, they don't. You have to change that.


I haven't seen Cody in awhile, well six hours. He hasn't come up to me, which I ended up eating lunch alone in the art room. Maybe I should have told him about the phone call, and why I left my phone in his room. Now.

I throw away my food and leave the room. Cody is somewhere but not here. I go looking for him right as the bell rings. Physics is gonna have to wait.

-2 hours-
I look practically everywhere for him. Even at his dad's house I was surprised he wasn't there with Azna. The fact that he wasn't at his dorm or at the house was odd. Most the time he would stay home do work around the house. Or stay at the dorm and play Xbox. But there is one place I haven't checked....Primrose's house.

Within an hour I was done arguing with myself, and I was on my way to her house. His car wasn't there when I arrived, but I knock anyway.

"Yes?" A little boy with a red face answers the door after three knocks. He stands there waiting for an answer.

"Uh-um I'm looking for Cody?" I say looking down at my shoes. The boy opens the door a little more and walks back inside.

"Are you going to come in or what?" He snapped at me. As I start walking in he yells,"CODY THERE IS A GIRL HERE FOR YOU!!"  I'm speechless it's like they are family, where is he upstairs?

I hear stomping and I turn toward the hallway just as Cody and Primrose comes out. He stares at me with an anger look on his face."I'm going to head out, sorry of what happened Prim. I'll see what I can do, bye take care." He says as he pulls Primrose and the boy into a hug. The boy starts to cry again, but Primrose doesn't say a word. Cody walks over to me,  grabs my arm and pulls me out the door. He walks away in silence toward the sidewalk. I'm a few paces behind him. Half way back to the school he stops and turns to me.

"Now, why were you there?" He says with a cold stare.

"Where exactly," I say as I walk past him. I feel as though he doesn't have one inch of sympathy for me only for Primrose. As I walk he comes up to me and grabs my shoulder.

"At Prim's," he says as he turns my head towards him," why did you randomly show up at her house?"

"Because Cody. I was looking for you. To tell you what you wanted to know. Is it not okay to worry if where my best friend is?" I say snappy. He is seriously getting on my nerves now, he must have shared the rest of his sympathy for her. I wish I never went there.

He looks at me for awhile,"So now it's my fault? The fact that she went through a lot and it's my fault I went to help her?"

"Nevermind." I say as I push out of his grasp. He catches my hand before I could completely get away.

"Fine, what were you going to tell me?" He says his gaze softens a little.

I sigh,"I got a call from my mom." It feels like tears  are piercing my eyes it I dot let them out. But I keep them in and walk away.

He doesn't follow me anymore. I walk back to the school but I go to Dylan's dorm room. The bell rings as I approach it marking that morning class are over.

I knock on the door, until I hear his voice. Then I enter. Hoping I won't ever have to leave. If it weren't for Dylan I would've ended up crying in class.

*_*8 hours
My phone started to ring in pre-calculus taking notes for a test in three days. Instead of turning it off I opened it and left the room.

"Hello?" I say into the phone. I didn't bother checking my phone it was probably my little brother asking for something.

But then I heard the voice,"Honey? Hi it's your mom."

I don't say anything. My mom was the one who left us after my father died of cancer. All I had was my siblings. My little brothers were always at the neighbors house while I was at school. My youngest brother 1 year old was diagnosed with Down Syndrome at four months. My mom left me with them to care for.

"Hello, sweetie are you there?" She says in a high squeaky voice.She makes it sound like everything is fine. Well it's not.

"What do you want. You have thirty seconds to explain why you contacted me." I half yell into the phone considering I was in the hallway I didn't want to sound too loud. To be honest my mom never really had any good explanation for me excuse anything. So whatever she was going to say wasn't going to be worth it, at all.

I heard her sigh, as if it took so much talent or brainwork to think of a stupid excuse she could  use again. Yes, again because there's no other excuse she's ever used except for 'I miss you' or 'I just needed some time and space.'

"I found a cure!!" She sounded so excited.

"For what exactly?" I snap at her.

"For Audoy's Down syndrome, to make I'm normal." I wanted to slap her physically and mentally slap her in so many ways.

"A cure? Are you serious. You haven't even seen your son in six years, and you already can't wait to change him. You do know how sick that is, right?" My anger is so far up the ladder I can't help it," and dear hopeless person you are. There is no cure for Down syndrome. Not unless it's pills that Audoy would have to take for the rest of his life. I'm sorry but I'm not taking anything from you. Because more then likely it came from a drug dealer."

After awhile she started crying," oh and one last thing. Five words of advice. Never. Contact. Me. Again. Bye." I said bye with a little cheerleader tone to it and hung up. Walking back into the class all eyes were on me.

One of the  petite girls speaks up,"Aw did your drug dealer cancel your weed products. What a shame, poor Ashley can't get high." Oh now her name comes, Bailee.

"Bailee I'd rather have to pay for drugs then dance for them. And you know not all people have pretty perfect fucking lives. So maybe it's best if you keep your mouth shut so your bubble head doesn't make you dizzy breathing in to much air, all in one gulp." I said as I gathered my stuff and walked towards the door.

"Also Mr.Thomas I'll be back at the end of the day to collect me homework. Sorry I had to leave early." And I was out the door. Right now I don't even know where to go. As I walk away from the central campus, I find myself wondering towards Cody's room.

And fortunately that's where I end up, crying for six hours.

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