Run Away

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**Prim's POV**
Once again I find myself under the tree in the court yard. I love it, it's home for me. The weather is killer but the tree is still here. It's naked in all its glory, still. I watch as the wind moves the arms of the tree. Birds don't sing anymore because winter. But I could just imagine them singing their song of the day.

"Hey, Blue." A smiling Gail is looking down at me. The ground is wet, because it rain last night. I didn't think much of it, I just sat down. He places a waterproof picnic blanket,"Obviously you're already wet. But I don't want you to actually be blue by the end of sitting outside wet and cold."

My mouth slitty curves into a smile,"Thanks Green. Ha-ah"

"These are some odd names for each other. Why it was based it off eye color is funny," he says rubbing his eyes.

"To be perfectly honest, I did it because you call me blue. So you started it." I say turning to him. I hadn't looked at him directly.

"What's wrong? You've been crying." He looked at me. I try to turn away but he holds his hand to my chin. "Primrose, your eyes are red and puff. What's wrong?" The atmosphere changes all of a sudden. So does his face. Of course his mood would change, he has a stern but soft look on his face.

"Nothing." Was all I could choke out. Really so much has happened. My house has been sold to going back was out of the question. Alix my brother and I had got in a fight. Because I found out he went to a party last night, and took his friends car and drove it home. I mean I've done it before. But I have my license and I wasn't completely wasted. When he got out he literally couldn't even stand up straight. And he passed out in the drive way. Maybe his way of getting there stuff is to drink, but that's not getting through with them. It's away to go around.

Gail gives me a dead serious face,"Let's put it in this perspective. I'm spending all day with you no matter what. You're upset, imagine if I said something that triggered your pain or anger. I wouldn't have known because currently you're not talking to me." He has a point, but he doesn't have to hold my problems for me.

"I'm not going to make carry my hurt and problems, Gail. I won't do it." He looked at me with a hurt expression. Like I had cut into a nerve with a sharp pointe knife. I look away and again he turns my head back.

"Do you honestly believe that?" He ask calm and quietly.

"Yes." I say quickly trying to look anywhere but his eyes. Where else are you suppose to look when someone is so close to you. You can't just stare straight up to avoid them.

"Prim I will help you pack your bags, but I will not take them from you to carry. Your bags are your problems. In no way am I helping be taking them from you. You do know I meant problems being bags right?" I nod my head and smile slightly. The fact that he had to make sure I understood made me warm inside. I know he would never leave not understanding something.

"I know. I'm sorry." I say suddenly feeling ashamed.

He chuckles.

"What?" I say defensively.

"Your too cute. Ha-ha it's sad seeing you in a hurtful place, but it's also adorable to see you sitting so properly with a serious face on. I don't know how your not busting out laughing right now." I look down at my sitting position.  It looked hilarious I won't lie. I'm sitting on my legs and my hands are placed firmly in the middle of my lap. It's something I'd imagine a queen doing. But not at the same time. Why would she want to sit on the ground? I laugh at my own question. Gail raises an eyebrow. The way Alix use to. And the pain comes back.

"Prim?" He says quietly but demanding at the same time.

In a sheepish voice I reply,"Alix drove home wasted from a party last night." I finally look him in the eyes. The green is so potent it almost buried me under.

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