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ty to @squishysquishy13 im sry the thing isnt working bc of the numbers in ur username T-T

<Uzi's POV>

Uzi held herself as she heaved breath after breath, gaso after gasp. She was hiding in her bathroom, curling up into a ball and willing herself to stay quiet.

Hold on. Wait for help.

Her legs were tucked tightly to her chest as she rested her head on her knees. Her body shook softly, waiting for the pain to subside. And although she couldn't see her visor, she knew the AbsoluteSolver symbol painted her face in purple light.

Uzi gasped for breath, trying to desperately calm herself down. No, no, no. Uzi, you got this. Hold on. Wait for help.

Survive. Survive until N gets here.

All she could feel was pain, an agony her being. Her metal parts felt like they were melting, and her screams didn't sound remotely like a drone—more like a hyena than a humanoid.

She closed her eyes. I can't do this anymore.

And she closed her eyes and let go.

Tentacles of black came out of her body as she shrieked in pain, piercing her skin and forcing them out her back. Her endoskeleton clicked and popped until her many limbs adjusted accordingly and were able to move freely against her will. They smashed objects around, the mirror, the sink, the shower.

Uzi gasped as her new arms turned dark, black veins growing along her skin and turning them dark, too. Her fingers extended into scorpion-like claws, sharp enough to slice at necks and strong enough to break metal skulls.

She cried and cried as the black covered her body. It took her limbs and stretched so that all that was left of her was a mass of tentacles.

Her mind stuttered. What could she do? She was gone anyways...

A sharp pain hit her head, reminding her: keep fighting. She shook her arms, trying to get the black mass off of her, but when she did, only the tentacles moved.


The pain hit her head again. She panicked, using the AbsoluteSolver to try and blast it off, but that was the last straw. The purple light turned into electricity and shocked her whole body, making her shudder in pain.

I love you, N.

Her mind went blank as the code took over her body.

<N's POV>

"Uzi? Uzi, where are you?"

N searched frantically for his girlfriend as he went through door after door to look for her.

"Uzi? Uziii!"

He called as his heart pounded. He had to evacuate everyone since they found a monster of some sorts in one of the bathrooms. No way was he going to let his Uzi get hurt.

"Uzi? Where are you?"

Just then, a groan sounded from behind him. An hunk of flesh and wires crawled its way towards him, clicking and clacking painfully slowly. The centerpiece was the head of...


It circled him slowly, its body leaving oil stains on the floor. "Appa-arently, U-Uzi wa-as fond o-of this drone."

"What did you do to her?!"

"You shou-uld've gotte-en ri-id of the bad co-ode sooner, dearest."

In that moment, N felt small. Smaller than ever. She's gone. This isn't a dream. She's really gone.

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