Sweeter than Sweet

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ok this request is actually rlly creative and i love the concept, tysm to Jalexandra_ for the idea!

<Uzi's POV>

She flipped to a new chapter in her textbook the teacher made her study.

     They are called the loves of one's life, one's other half, the part of a soul one canot live without. Everybody has a soulmate to keep them company, so it is very important to keep them by your side.
     You will know who they are by tasting their oil. If it tastes metallic and like any other oil, they aren't the one. But if they taste sweet like sugar, you have found your partner for life.

Right, partner for life, she thought. And I'm not depressed. Why did the teacher make us read this?

It's was frustrating to see that this text was actually true. V and Lizzy, Doll and Thad, and so many other classmates had found their soulmates. And although there were many who hadn't found their "partner for life" yet, she was still considered one of the "odd one's out."

She sighed, slumping in her seat. Because nothing in life could be easy for her.

Uzi's stayed like that for a while, ignoring the teacher's lecture and staring at her notebook, lines of empty space meeting her eyes.

A scent trickled to her nose, sweet and metallic, as if tempting her to drink from it. Uzi's eyes widened as the door opened, that sickly sweet smell meeting her nose with such a high intensity.

The teacher beckoned the new kid to the front of the class. "Today we have a new student," they said in a bored voice. "Introduce yourself to the class."

"Hi," he said, fiddling with his fingers. "I'm N."

One of her classmates said, "Are you a murder drone?"

"I'm a disassembly drone, but I never really liked, well, disassembling things. So don't worry, you're safe! I won't, like, kill you or anything."

The classmate nodded their head in understanding while another one asked another question. "Can you show us a few things you can do as a murder drone?"

"Oh! Um..." N looked at his fingers, then behind him. "I'm gonna need space for this..."

The teenagers in the front moved back, giving N room for what he was about to do. The new kid breathed in, then out.

In the blink of an eye, metal wings unfurled from his back. Uzi gawked at their beauty, the way the metal feathers created an intricate texture and how they seemed to gleam in the light rendering her speechless.

Gasps overtook the classroom before questions were asked.

"Can you fly?"

"Do you have claws, too?"

"Do all disassembly drones have wings like this?"

"How often do you need to hunt?"

"У вас есть вторая половинка?"

Everyone hushed at that question. Do you have a soulmate?

"Um..." N said, blushing. "Not yet."

People began asking questions again, but the teacher interrupted. "Okay, that's enough. N, you may sit where you please, but that seat by Uzi is open. Uzi, raise your hand."

Uzi looked up, then back down. "Bite me."

Several students snickered. "Oh, N, you don't want to sit by the weird kid. She's a total loner, sit here instead."

Uzi x N OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now