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this is for SiprianaCisneros and GardenGnome103 (i hope you dont mind that i mushed ur reqs together)

<N's POV>

Where was he?

He awoke in a different environment from the pod that he usually shut down in. Instead, he saw the dark sky and the landscape of the familiar planet around him.

The second thing he noticed was that he was bound tightly with steel chains. Clasps surrounded his wrists and ankles, chains connecting them to a lock.

Not good.

The third thing he noticed was that Uzi was beside him, also tightly wound in chains.

Definitely not good.

Uzi's visor turned on as she scanned her surroundings, doing exactly what he did.

"Hey," he whispered. "You recognize this place?"

"Nope," she whispered back. "Who the hell did this to us?"

"I have no idea."

"Very helpful."

"I see you two are awake. Such a sweet couple."

A small thump! was heard in front of them and a small amount of dust billlowed, getting into his girlfriend's mouth as she coughed. "What do you want from us? Who even are you?"

N saw the familiar yellow light that disassembly drones had. The figure looked built and he had a wolf cut, his white hair parted in the middle.

"Serial Designation D," he smirked. "Nice to meet you."

No. Just no.

"Does D stand for Dickhead?" Uzi blurted out before N could stop her, and he could only watch as D turned toward her.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing!" N quickly interrupted, forcing out a small chuckle. "Anyways, I'm N, she's Uzi, but I'm assuming you know who we are already. Um... I would say its nice to meet you two if we weren't chained, because this isn't really the best situation for meeting someone. That being said, could you let us go?"

"Hmm." Their kidnapper turned to Uzi. "You're lucky that your boyfriend of two years knows how to be polite."

Definitely knows who we are.

"Anyways," N coughed. "As I said earlier, it would be very nice of you to let us go—"

"As nice of a person as you seem, I'm gonna have to say no."

"Oh, come on." N could tell that Uzi was getting angry. "Let us go you fucking fatass—"

D pulled up his shirt and smirked. "I'll have you know I'm perfectly fit."

Uzi cringed and looked away. "N is still my ideal type."

He felt a surge of pride but it went away when D scoffed. "Oh, baby, you can do so much better than him. Look at me."

"All I see is Dogshit. Just like your name."

"And the Nincompoop beside you isn't deserving of you. Come on, babe. You know you want me."

N felt the anger building up inside of him as he desperately tried to calm himself down.

⚠️ ima try not to go into detail and just to focus on ns perspective but still tw: rape, violence, panic attack ⚠️

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