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Flireflies damn a lotta requests lol i respect it

<Uzi's POV>

Uzi stared at herself in the mirror. She flapped her wings cautiously, making sure not to break anything in the bathroom as she wiggled her two other limbs around.

But she stopped focusing on those a while ago. Really, she was staring at her fangs.

Those fangs were made to kill other worker drones —like what she once was. They were made to pierce into their metal skin and drain the oil out of them, effectively rendering them dead.

She shuddered. Oil.

She didn't want to touch oil after that rampage in the forest, so she vowed the wouldn't. She wouldn't see oil leaking out of a drones body. Nobody would be attacked by her.

She wouldn't drink oil again.


She needs to drink oil again, N thought as he watched her study.

N couldn't recall the last time Uzi drank oil, and now sweat was appearing on her visor. She looked tired all the time, and she always seemed sick.

He watched as she tried to spin the pencil around in her hand—what was supposed to be an easy trick that she has done a million times before. She failed once, which was okay, because everyone makes mistakes.

But she failed again.

And again.

And again.

So N decided to confront his girlfriend—because clearly she wasn't taking care of herself.

He walked up to Uzi's desk, pulling a chair with him, and sat down. "Why aren't you drinking oil?"

She didn't respond, which was when he took her headphones out, setting them aside on the desk. "Uzi," he said. "Why aren't you drinking oil?"

"I don't need it," she muttered, reaching for her headphones.

He snatched them away, looking at Uzi. "You look like you're going to overheat at aby second. Please, drink some oil."

<Uzi's POV>

She locked eyes with her boyfriend. "No."



"You really need to drink oil," N pressed. "You seem like you'll pass out at any second. Simple tasks are becoming harder for you. You cannot survive without oil."

"So be it," Uzi said.

N sighed. "Uzi, please. All I'm asking is for you to take care of yourself—"

"I said no!" Uzi to feel frustrated, her body shaking in anger—

Not anger.


"Uzi," he said. "Calm down. You're overheating."

Uzi laughed drily as her felt visor flickering from her normal face to the word OVERHEATING. "Those two sentences do not go together."

"Uzi," N said. He bit his wrist with his fangs, cutting the metal skin and letting some fresh oil seep from his skin. "Here. Take some."

"No." Uzi started backing away, terrified at the oil. Genuine fear sinked into her body as she tried to get as far from the oil as possible. "No, no, no."

Uzi x N OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now