I'm Ready

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this is the second request from N_is_baby! youre awesome and ty for the support :D

<Uzi's POV>

Uzi was bored.

Hella bored.

Usually when she was this bored, she stopped by N's room, but today, she was too tired. And devastated.

She spent all of last night preparing for today's exam, hoping to actually get a good grade for once.

The class average was 85. She got a 30.

Uzu screamed into her pillow, letting bursts of rage out of her body. I need a distraction...


She let her thoughts wander to her wonderful boyfriend, who had always been treating her well.

We've been dating for over a year now and we still haven't fucked, she thought.

It was a weird thing to think about, but her lazy and horny ass couldn't think any better.

Sighing, she called N. The phone ringed, once, twice, before he finally picked up.

"Hey," his cute voice said.

"Hi, N," she said. "Can you fuck me?"

Not a great way to start, she thought to herself.

"Uzi, are you okay? Are you drunk or something? You sound like you're drunk."

"Just tired and sad. I need a distraction. Can you fuck me? Come over if yes."

She hung up and awaited a response.


<N's POV>

He stood there in shock after the call. She wants sex? Wait...

Am I ready?

What if I'm not good with it?

What if I hurt her?

All these thoughts floated through his head as he subconsciously made his way to her dorm. They lived right next to each other, as this was a new highschool that was recently built, allowing disassembly and worker drones to live and study in harmony with one another.

He knocked and the door swung over before he knew what he was doing. In the doorframe stood a slightly giddy Uzi, giving him a goofy smile before wrapping N in a hug. She cried into him, squeezing tightly.

He didn't really know what to do in these situations. It was always either she would pull away quickly as soon as he hugged her back or she melted into him.

N patted the back of her head, seeing if she would slap him away, but he didn't. He was glad to see that she had confided with him as opposed to anyone else.

Slowly, he wrapped his arms around Uzi, pulling her to the air and kissing her forehead.

"Shh... Baby, what's wrong?" N asked concern filling his voice.

"I stayed up all night studying for that fucking test and I got a 30. The one time I actually try and I fucking fail."

N's eyes widened. He had boasted about his grade to V, which wouldn't have been nice to Uzi. "I am so sorry..."

She sniffled. "I don't even know if I want to try anymore..."

He rubbed the back if her head. "If it helps, I can study with you, after we have done it."

Uzi x N OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now