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"God, keep my head above water, I lose my breath at the bottom

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"God, keep my head above water, I lose my breath at the bottom. Come rescue me, I'll be waiting, I'm too young to fall asleep."

Stiles' Point of View

Twenty-three bodies were discovered in the telecommunication tower tunnels that Scott and I had been in a few days before. With Scott, Lydia, and Kira with me, I head over to the hospital to discuss a theory we have been patching together with Dad. The four of us exit the elevator, stomach sinking with horror as I watch body after body be wheeled into the morgue.

Grimly, I approach my dad with Scott, Lydia, and Kira in tow. "Who found 'em?" I ask.

"Argent," Dad responds, and I nod. "And he said the Doctors were down there. He also said you guys might know what this thing is."

"We've got a theory," Lydia admits.

"It's a slightly terrifying theory," I add on.

"Well, the ME said that the victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in those tunnels," Dad replies.

"Hey, what if the Dread Doctors are hiding the bodies?" Scott suggests.

Kira shakes her head, confused. "Why would they do that?"

"Maybe they're covering for it," I offer. "Protecting it, like a parent would."

Dad looks between us and I can tell that our words have confused him. "Protecting what?" he asks finally.

Scott, Lydia, Kira, and I are silent for a moment, with my mind thinking back to the footage from the telecommunication towers. Of the black mass rushing past the cameras. "A werewolf," Scott replies.

"It's called the Beast," Lydia adds.

"We know," I say with a shrug. "Horrifying."

"We better figure out what we're gonna call Parrish," Dad sighs, "because it looks like his dream is coming true."

The sound of that statement makes me think of Ainsley. Her feelings as a banshee—I need to get her out of Eichen. I would talk to Dad about finding a way, but I know he has a lot on his plate now with the twenty-three bodies. Liam has been tracking and re-tracking her scent every chance he gets and it always leads him back to that wretched place. Someone took her, against her will, and admitted her or is holding her hostage there. I'm sure of it.

And I'm pretty certain I know where she's being held, too.

Not only is that weighing on my mind, but the facts that Gerard Argent is cured of his cancer and helping his son figure out what the Beast actually is, that Theo is looking for Deucalion, and there's a giant beast running around the streets of Beacon Hills killing people, are crushing my human shoulders presently.

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