Chapter 1: The Journey Begins

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Long ago, where magic ran throughout the world, forming strange beans and creatures. Many were able to make peace with Werewolves, Witches, Elves, Fairies and Meif'wa, but not many weren't able to befriend the Wyverns, for they were the most powerful creatures. Many saw them as a threat, and they tried to kill them. No one dared to get close to the Wyverns, all but one woman didn't fear these creatures. Befriending the elder Wyvern, and learning these creatures' behavior to understand them more, her name was Irene. But where there's light, there is darkness, the darkest of magic formed in a different realm, the Nether. A twisted, dark place that barely any life formed, till a bean was formed from this dark magic, the Shadow Lord. The Shadow Lord saw the humans as weak creatures, but he also saw that they would have some good use in them as well. He was able to manipulate those who despised many of the creatures and the friendships they formed with the human, claiming that he'll help them become stronger and become the dominant species of this world, that is if they sell their souls to him. Promising them immortality in return for them doing his bidding, the humans, Meif'was, Werewolves and other Magic Users that followed the Shadow Lord had become hollow shells of themselves, only having darkness in the place of their heart, becoming his servants, becoming his army, becoming Shadow Knights. Despite growing an army, the Shadow Lord still wasn't pleased, he clenched for more, but humanity was in the way in his eyes. So, the Shadow Lord went to the Wyverns, killing the Elder and his Knights tricked them by making them believe that the Humans were behind it. Believing that their so-called allies did something like this to their leader, the Wyverns went into War with the humans as the Shadow Lord watched the blood shed for his pleasure. However, as the Shadow Lord was admiring himself in his pride, Irene faced him. Curious in the woman, he allowed her to approach him, but instead of meeting fear, he saw anger and calmness in her eyes, for this was one of the few humans to face a powerful bean such as the lord himself with no fear in their body. Irene then pulled a sword, challenging for a battle to end this war, entertained by her foolishness, the Shadow Lord agreed with the challenge, he had his Shadow Knights by his side as Irene approached the powerful bean. However, Irene was gifted a strange relic from the Wyverns, claiming that it will protect those with the purest of hearts who possessed it to gain its strength. Surprised to see his army fall down after one swing from the sword, the Shadow Lord charged at Irene, the two battled for what seemed like centuries in the short period of time, Irene was able to beat the Shadow Lord after plunging the sword into his cold heart. Once weakened, four figures join Irene, opening a portal, sending the Shadow Lord and his remaining Shadow Knights back into the Nether, banishing them for centuries. Once peace was back into the world, the Wyverns came to Irene, to ask her one last favor. It was time for them to leave this world as well, for they knew that they were no longer safe in this world, for many had died in battle and many believed that killing a Wyvern would give them immortal strength. Irene agreed to assist the Wyverns, and helped the new Elder Wyvern open another portal, for a world that the Wyverns could call their home. The Elder Wyvern thanked her and wished her luck for if the Shadow Lord ever returned.

Many years passed, a young woman walked around a forest, reading a book about the legend of Lady Irene. She didn't own it, she woke up next to it, it grabbed her attention right away, and she decided to look through it as she wandered around the woods, her name was Aphmau.

The book: " Lady Irene was known to have different powers that were gifted to her for the relic, one of her most powerful gifts though was healing, able to heal just about any wound on a person or even animal, the other was the ability to create and enter different dimensions."

Aphmau: " Wow, Lady Irene was amazing. Able to take down an army by herself? That's both crazy and incredible. But I should really find the owner of this book, they're probably looking for it."

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