Chapter 7: Bright Port

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After drifting for a few hours, Aphmau was sitting on the bow of the boat, Paul came over to check how she was doing.

Paul: " First time on a boat?"

Aphmau: " No. Well, I have been in and sail a small boat. Shouldn't you be steering the ship?"

Paul: " Nah. We're almost there, we can just go straight for the rest of the ride."

Aphmau looked out at the ocean. She rubbed her arm a bit and that's when Paul noticed something on it.

Paul: " Cool scar. How'd you get it?"

Aphmau: " Huh? Oh. Thanks, but I don't know if it's actually a scar."

Paul: " What do you mean?"

Aphmau: " Well, I have multiple scar looking markings on my body, but I don't remember getting them from any of the fights I've been in. They could be birthmarks, but to be honest, I don't know if they are birthmarks or scars."

Paul: " I see. You know, if they are scars, you have some story, but birthmarks are just as special. There's legends of people who have unique birthmarks that show how their past lives died. Others say that people with them are open minded and are lucky omens. Your marks could mean you'll have an interesting adventure and bring luck wherever you go."

Aphmau smiled, she looked up at the stars and moon, she then decided to ask about Visher.

Aphmau: " Do you... do you think Visher is alright?"

Paul: " I would think so. If he was in pain that we didn't know about, he isn't in it anymore. But he'll miss us and his family like we will with him. But we'll all meet again one day."

Aphmau looked up again, Thorgi came over and started barking a bit, Paul then looked ahead and it looked like he was scared.

Paul: " Oh mother of Irene, no."

Aphmau: " What?"

Aphmau turned to where Paul and Thorgi were looking, expecting to see some kind of monster in their way, the only thing in the water was a cat. Aphmau let out a snicker, thinking that this was some kind of joke.

Aphmau: " What is that a cat?"

Paul: " Change of plans, we're going to take another path back home."

Paul rushed over to the wheel and turned the boat away from the cat.

Aphmau: " What? Why? Because of a little cat? *giggles* You're joking right?"

Paul: " No, that cat isn't dangerous, where it came from is."

Aphmau: " What do you mean.. Oh hey, there's another..."

Thinking that there were two cats, more and more cats showed up in the water.

Aphmau: " Boy, there's a lot of them."

Paul: " That's not even half of them. Get down before she sees you!"

Aphmau: " Who..."

Before Aphmau could finish, Paul grabbed her arm and yanked her off the bow of the boat. After passing the sea of cats, Paul got up and helped Aphmau back up, he then explained why he pushed her down when they passed the island.

Paul: " We call that island Cat Island, it belongs to a woman that everyone calls the Crazy Cat Lady. She hates everyone and everything that isn't a cat, if she saw us with Thorgi, she would flip. It's best if you don't bring him there, or talk to her, better yet, don't meet her at all."

Aphmau: " Oh come on, she can't be that bad."

Paul: " We just passed an island full of cats and not even half of those cats were in the water."

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