Chapter 17: Return to Bright Port

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After finding her way to Bright Port, Aphmau hopped off to look for some who could help, waiting near the docks were Paul and the Head Guard Azura.

Paul: " Aphmau. How nice to see you ag..."

Aphmau: " Ye-yeah, but I'm here for something really important! My friend Garroth is in real trouble and we need help!"

Both Paul and Azura looked at each other.

Azura: " What happened?"

Aphmau: " We don't know, but we do know he was attacked by someone made left a pretty bad wound on him. Dr. Doctor came and said that the herb that you guys gave me before wasn't going to do much for him and another friend suggested to go looking for the Lord of Bright Port to help. I don't know how, but if he can help, I'll help look for him to get your Lord back and to help Garroth."

Azura: " That's sweet, Lady Aphmau, but we haven't found anything that could help."

Paul looked away for a moment, but he and Azura let Aphmau in the Village to look for other clues or if anyone knows something. Later, Azura left with some other Guards for a Patrol, leaving Aphmau with Paul. Paul looked down at Aphmau, who looked like she was about to cry, scared of losing a friend, Paul couldn't let her go through that.

Paul: " Aphmau, I do know one person who might be able to help."

Aphmau: " Really?! Who?!"

Paul: " The same person who you had that friendly chat with when you first came to our little Village."

Aphmau was quiet for a moment, and she knew who Paul was referring to, Raya, Visher's Wife.

Aphmau: " Oh boy."

Paul: " Yeah. Let's just hope she'll give some information that could help."

Aphmau and Paul made their way to Visher's old house, Aphmau knocked on the door and they were let in shortly after.

Paul: " Hi Raya, you look lovely today. Did you do something with your hair or is that a new dress? Because you..."

Raya: " Cut the Crap, and tell me what you want."

Paul nudged Aphmau slightly, Raya lightened up a bit when she saw Aphmau.

Raya: " Aphmau, how nice to see you again. Have you come to tell me what happened to my husband?"

Aphmau bit her lip slightly and rubbed her neck.

Aphmau: " Well I ugh.... No. I'm sorry, we still haven't figured out who killed him."

Raya's smile faithed away and she had a bit of a death glare.

Raya: " ....... Oh... I see."

Aphmau: " Raya, I know you might not want to talk to me, but I really need some help. Our Head Guard, Ga..."

Before Aphmau could go on, Raya slammed her foot on the flood, and marched over to Aphmau with a threatening look.

Raya: " You Actually believed I would help you with something after telling me you haven't found the person who Murdered my Husband!!? Why would I help you if you haven't kept your promise to stop the man who killed him?!"

Paul: " Raya, please. We.."

Raya: " Quiet Paul! I want you both OUT!!"

After being pushed out by Raya, the two knew that Raya wasn't going to help now.

Paul: " Well, that could have gone better. I'm so sorry, Aphmau. We're just going to find another way to find the Lord."

Aphmau looked down as Paul left, but before she could go far, a small pebble hit her and someone called for her. She looked around and saw a kid peeking out of a corner of Raya's house.

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