Chapter 22: Recovery

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A few days passed, Aphmau would always visit Garroth after finishing some work around the Village, talking to him to pass some time, better than sit there in silence. Stephaine and Corey also had their baby while Aphmau was gone, Stephaine dropped by a couple times with her baby to give Aphmau some company, so had a few others. Kent and Emilia knocked on the door, checking on both Aphmau and Garroth.

Emilia: " How's he doing?"

Aphmau: " He's still asleep, but Zoey said he's doing better."

Emilia: " Well, as long as he's getting better."

Kent: " So... Now what? Do we go out to look for Zenix?"

Aphmau went quiet, she hadn't told anyone about what happened in Bright Port, Emilia raised an eyebrow.

Emilia: " Kent, can you step out for a moment, I'll join you in a minute."

Kent: " Umm... okay?"

After Kent left, Aphmau slightly turned her head over at Emilia.

Emilia: " You know something, don't you? What happened when you were at Bright Port?"

Aphmau: " What do you do when you know something that might hurt someone?"

Emilia: " It sorta depends, I guess. Why?"

Aphmau: "..... I saw Zenix."

Emilia's eyes widened a bit.

Emilia: " You did?"

Aphmau: " *nods* He nearly killed me."

Emilia: " Wh-what? I mean, I know he wasn't much of a fan of you, but kill you?"

Aphmau: " So much happened and I don't know if I should tell Garroth, he and Zenix have history and..."

Emilia: " And you don't want to hurt him even more."

Aphmau: " Yeah...."

Emilia: " Well, my advice, tell him. It's going to sting since Garroth took him under his wing when they met, I think he even treated Zenix like a son a bit. But it's better than leaving him in the dark."
Aphmau let out a long sigh, Emilia patted Aphmau's back as she left her alone with Garroth. She looked over at Garroth.

Aphmau: " Garroth, I have a lot to tell you, I was able to find Lord Burt, met Werewolves, and a bunch of things that you might not believe *slight chuckle*. But.... I also saw Zenix... he's alive, but.... *sigh* I honestly don't know what to say right now, because I have a lot to say, I just don't know how to say it. But I really need you right now Garroth. I need you to wake up. We all do."

Aphmau closed her eyes, tears started to form, but her eyes flung open hearing a familiar voice.

Garroth: " Crying isn't a good look for you, you know..."
Aphmau whipped around, Garroth slightly lifted his head and was looking at Aphmau, smiling under his helmet.

Aphmau: " Garroth?"

Aphmau flipped over and held herself above Garroth, her face was right up to his.

Aphmau: " Garroth?! GARROOOOOOOOTTH!!! *laughs* Garroth, You're Not Dead! Oh!!"

Aphmau dropped herself on Garroth, hugging him tight. But she realized what she was doing when Garroth groaned in pain. Aphmau quickly hopped off Garroth.

Aphmau: " Sorry!"

Aphmau couldn't stop smiling, she covered her mouth a few times, Garroth made a weak chuckle as he laid his head back down.

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