Chapter 23: The Baby

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It was the middle of the night, everyone was asleep. The Hooded Man sneaked his way to Aphmau's house, he looked around for a moment, he saw a chest outside, he took everything out of it, placed it against the house and carefully placed the thing he was carrying inside it. He looked back at the house, seeing Thorgi looking at him and wagging his tail. The Hooded Man chuckled and placed his finger on his mouth, and as soon as he arrived, the Hooded Man left. Thorgi went back to Aphmau's bed and curled up next to his owner. When morning came, Thorgi hopped out of bed, went up to the window to see the chest was still outside the door. He saw it slightly moved, he looked back at Aphmau and started barking.

Aphmau: " MMmm... Five more minutes, Thorgi."

Thorgi went over to Aphmau, he licked at her face for a bit and nudged her with his snout.

Aphmau: " Mmm.. alright, alright. I'm up."

As Aphmau got ready, Thorgi paced back and forth in front of the door, he even whimpered a bit and scratched at the door. Aphmau got a little worried, her dog never acted like this before, so she walked out while half dressed. Thorgi went over the chest shortly after Aphmau opened the door.

Aphmau: " What the? What is this?"

Aphmau looked around for a moment, she could have sworn that she saw it move a bit. She picked up the chest and placed it inside.

Aphmau: " Where do you think this came from or who left it?"

Thorgi sniffed the chest, and a noise came inside it, catching Aphmau's attention.

Aphmau: " What... is.. Is that coming from inside?"

Aphmau slowly opened the chest, and there, curled up in a blue blanket, was a little baby. Aphmau couldn't believe what was in front of her, she even closed the chest for a moment and opened it again, it wasn't her imagination, there really was a baby in it. The baby started to fuss and squirm around, Aphmau had no idea what to do or say, Thorgi poked his head in the chest and licked the baby's face to see if it might help calm him down.

Aphmau: " Wh-what?! Why was there... who left their baby here and why?! I didn't see anything else or anyone outside and he definitely didn't put himself in front of my door in that chest. Is-is he hurt?"

Aphmau looked at the baby, she reached in and held him up. The baby stopped crying when Aphmau picked him up, he stared at her with large eyes and started to squeal and giggle a bit as he reached out for her face. He looked to be roughly over 3 weeks old, but he didn't seem hurt. A note then slipped out of the blanket, Aphmau held the baby in one of her arms as she picked the note up.

The Note: " Hello. My name is Levin. Please take care of me."

As Aphmau read the note, she looked down at the baby, who was named Levin, he looked up, smiled and played with her hair a bit.

Aphmau's thoughts: " Did.. did someone leave him here? Why?"

Aphmau looked around for a moment, she put a pillow in the middle of her bed, placing Levin down shortly after. He cooed as Thorgi hopped up and lay next to him while Aphmau finished up getting ready for the day.

Aphmau: " Stay, stay right there. I'll be right back."

While finishing up, Aphmau would pop her head over and over to check how Levin and Thorgi were doing and she went back to him after. Aphmau scooped Levin up, he started playing with her hair and reached at her face.

Aphmau: " What am I going to do with you? Where's your momma?"

Levin pressed his face against Aphmau's chest, she let out a sigh.

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