Chapter 3: A New Lord?

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A couple days passed, the sun was starting to come up, Aphmau woke up after hearing some banging from outside, she looked out and saw Brenden, working a bit on the walkway. Aphmau quietly got up, and headed for the door, she looked over at Emmalyn who was asleep at her desk. Aphmau grabbed a blanket and covered her up before she left. Brenden looked up and waved at Aphmau when he saw her coming over to him.

Brenden: " Hey Aphmau. What are you doing up already? I didn't wake you, did I?"

Aphmau: " No, and I could be asking you the same thing."

Brenden: " Eh, I always get up this early. To work on repairing stuff and work on the farm a little bit. Since you're here and up, you want to help me out a bit?"

Aphmau: " Of course, I did promise you that I'll help you out when I have spare time."

Brenden smiled as he handed some tools to Aphmau, while the two worked, Zenix watched them, Emilia was annoyed that Zenix was watching at Aphmau.

Emilia: " Zenix. Are you going to keep staring at Aphmau or going to help me clean our weapons? Those Damn zombies and spiders got a ton of blood on them, and I think they left a few dents in them."

Zenix looked over and grabbed a sword, cleaning it and brushing a few dents left by the monsters the past night. Hours passed, Garroth was up, he was expecting to stumble out, but was a bit surprised that a few holes were patched up and the walkway was repaired. He saw the others and joined them looking at the repaired walkway.

Garroth: " The walkway, it's fixed."

Dale: " Oh good, so it's not just me seeing this."

Garroth: " Who did this?"

Emilia: " You can thank those two. They've been up since dawn, but Brenden been working on this before Aphmau settled in."

Garroth looked over and saw Aphmau with Brenden, helping him expand the farms a bit. Garroth smiled under his helmet, alongside the others, well, except for Zenix.

Brenden: " You know, I've been thinking about making a docks, in case visitors come over by boat."

Aphmau: " That's a great idea. Speaking up, are there any villages nearby? I have been thinking about scouting the area to see if there's any neighboring villages."

Brenden: " Hmm.. Oh yeah, there's one in the ocean, I think. I don't think it's far, but you can check it out. There's some small fishing boats near the ocean side."

Aphmau smiled, the two were then approached by Garroth.

Garroth: " Morning you two. Sleep well, Miss Aphmau?."

Aphmau: " Garroth, yes, I slept well, but I scouted out the village and I think I found a good spot for my house."

Garroth: " Oh. That's great. I'll see if we can help find some materials for you to build it out a bit."

Aphmau: " Thanks, by the way, I'm going to be gone for a while. Brenden told me that there's a village nearby and I want to check it out."

Garroth: " Nearby village, oh you mean Ocean Town. Are you sure you want to visit them?"

Aphmau: " Yeah, I want to get to know our neighboring Villages a bit. Why?"

Brenden: " Well, it's in the middle of the ocean a bit. And by that, I mean there's no platforms or walkways, everything in the water."

Aphmau: " Oh. Well, I guess I'll just have to talk to them while in my boat."

Garroth: " Oh, by the way. Zenix asked me to tell you if you can talk to him."

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