Chapter 19: The Nether

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Aphmau slowly opened her eyes, purple speckles surrounded her a bit, the air around her was hot and had a bitter smell. She looked around, everything was colored with different shades of reds, large bones structures around, lava bubbled around and there were large black buildings.

Aphmau: " Whoa."

Aphmau slowly made her way down, watching her step to not fall in the lava or fall off from a high place. She also made a few indents on the wall to remember where the Portal was.

Aphmau: " Okay. So where do I start? I had never been down here before, and it was all so different from the Overworld."

Aphmau looked around, and saw a large building, unlike the others, it hardly had any damage to it.

Aphmau: " Maybe that's where I have to go. I have to think smart here, I don't know what's down here or know what brought both the Wolf Pup and the Lord here. They said some kind of Demon pulled them..."

While saying that, Aphmau tripped over herself. She looked down, the part of the ground she stepped on that made her fall over was a different color, when she touched it, it crumbled to dust. She shook her head and focused on the mission, to help the Werewolf Pup and the Lord of Bright Port. Aphmau kept her hand over her sword, ready to protect herself if something jumped out. After defending herself from a few creatures protecting the structure, Aphmau slowly stepped inside, freezing when she heard someone talking. She quickly ran behind a statue and saw some Guards, they were Humans, but how? They were in the Nether, how were their people down in this Realm? Unless, no, they couldn't, but then when she got a glimpse of the Guards eyes, they were blood red, some had black markings under their eyes, their armor and weapons were the same blood red as their eyes. Aphmau made a small gasp, but covered her mouth and ducked down, remembering the book she had that told the story of Lady Irene, and the Legend of the Shadow Lord and his Shadow Knights, who were all locked away in the Nether.

Aphmau's thoughts: " Th-those are Shadow Knights! Real life Shadow Knights! Okay, calm down, calm down. This isn't' going to help that Pup or the Lord. I just need to be quiet and fast."

Aphmau looked around a bit, and her face lit up a bit, seeing that there was a way for her to sneak over to the staircase. She hid behind walls, statues and even some rubble that was in the rooms. She had to hold her breath a few times, but she was able to get to the floor. But when she laughed to herself for a moment a large creature outside spotted her, letting out a loud scream, causing Aphmau to scream herself, she quickly covered her mouth and dived into hiding when some Guards overhear the screams.

One of the Guards: " What the Hell?!"

Aphmau closed her eyes and covered her mouth, holding her breath and praying that they don't see her. Luckily they saw the creature and thought both of the screams came from it. One of them pulled out a bow and some arrow and started to shoot at the creature.

Another Guard: " Stupid Ghast! This place is already falling apart and we don't need any more holes here!"

Aphmau let out a small sigh, she took this chance to get away.

Aphmau's thoughts: " That was too close. At least they're distracted now. Wait... what is that?"

Aphmau slowly walked into a room with a slightly faded shadow in front of the cage, Aphmau slightly squinted and saw a small Pup, it was Kiva, the Werewolf Pup she was looking for. The Shadow made a twisted and deep laugh, but Aphmau grabbed her sword and with no hesitation, she tossed it at it.

Aphmau: " Hey!"

The Shadow turned around and disappeared when the sword slightly gazed at them. Whoever or whatever the Shadow was, it was gone now. Aphmau grabbed her sword and rushed over to the cage, Kiva was shaking and backed to the corner of the cage.

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