Chapter 20: Rescuse

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After running for what seemed like hours, Aphmau had so many thoughts running through her head. What was Zenix doing in the Nether? Is this why he went missing? Who were the people who burned down the Wolves's Village and why? Aphmau shook her head and stopped to catch her breath.

Aphmau: " Damn it! *pants* There's got to be something to show that they were here."

Aphmau looked around, she was breathing heavily, she was worried about Garroth, she was worried about Zenix, she didn't know what to do. She bit her lip and looked down as tears formed. But then, she felt something on her hand, she looked at her hands and saw red liquid on both the ground and her hand. It was blood.

Aphmau: " What? Is this... blood?"

Aphmau wiped her tears away with her other arm and noticed another blood splat a few steps from her.

Aphmau: " There's more. Maybe it's from the people who took the Lord? They must have gotten hurt after attacking the Village or stealing the Lord."

Aphmau pulled herself back up, it wasn't time for crying, it wasn't going to help with anything. She followed the blood splatters on the ground till it led her to a cave, but something wasn't right about it. It was more like an abandoned mine shaft that was trying to hide in the side of a mountain with an iron door. Aphmau grabbed her sword and was able to get the door to open, this has to be where the attackers are hiding or where the Lord was. She slowly made her way in, her hand grabbing the handle of her sword tightly.

Aphmau's thoughts: " Is this where they went? It has to be, where else will they go? Did... Was Zenix part of this? No! He couldn't! He's Garroth's friend and formal Apprentice, why would he do this?"

Before Aphmau could go further, someone was leaning against the wall and was able to walk behind her after she stepped foot in the room. They shut the door, locking them both inside. Aphmau whipped around and froze seeing who it was, it was Zenix.

Aphmau: " Z.. Zenix?"

Zenix: " You shouldn't have come here, Lady Aphmau."

Aphmau: " Wh-what are you doing?.... What did you do?"

Zenix: " Don't worry about it."

Zenix's voice was flat, there was no emotion in it at all and walked closer towards Aphmau, Aphmau backed away with each step he took and the two circled each other a bit. Aphmau then remembered what Brendan told her when he got shot, Zenix pulled him in and he was the last person with Garroth before he was found hurt.

Aphmau: ".... You... you hurt Garroth.... And tried to get Brendan killed... didn't you?"

Zenix didn't say anything, he just pulled out his sword and a sinister grin spread across his face.

Zenix: " I've been wanting to do this for a LONG time now. This is for your own good, Lady Aphmau."

Zenix charged towards Aphmau, she snapped out of it, grabbed her sword and blocked his attack. The two bodged or blocked attacks, and kicked each other away a bit, both were equally strong and refused to let the other win. Zenix was able to knock Aphmau down, pinning her to the ground and had his sword close to her next. Aphmau struggled keeping her sword blocking Zenix's blade as he slowly pushed it closer to her.

Zenix: " Heh, you should have left a long time ago, but no, you had to come along, make friends with everyone, bring new faces to the Village and help anyone who needed it to be noticed by everyone. You just couldn't help yourself could you? Heh, it doesn't matter. Soon as I finish with you, Bright Port and that mangy Wolf Tribe will tear out each other's throats, and Garroth wouldn't be here to be the oh so strong and brave hero."

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