Chapter 11: Where the Key goes

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Around three days passed, Aphmau and Garroth were looking over the key that Aphmau found at the campsite she came across at the Guard Tower.

Aphmau: " What do you think it belongs to?"

Garroth: " Hard to say. It could go to so many things. A chest, a door, a.."

As Garroth was listing off the possibilities of what the key could go to, Kent came running in.

Kent: " Garroth! Lady Aphmau! Urgent News From Bright Bort!!"

Garroth and Aphmau looked at each other for a moment, Kent gave them a letter from the neighboring village.

Kent: " Raven returns with this at sun high."

Garroth looked through the note, if you could see his face, it would turn into a worry expression.

Aphmau: " What is it?"

Garroth: " The Lord of Bright Port is missing."

Aphmau covered her mouth hearing that another Lord was taken.

Aphmau: " What happened? Is the rest of the village alright?"

Garroth: " It seems so, but it doesn't say anything more about the Lord's disappearance."

Kent: " Let's just hope that he's found before anything could happen."

Aphmau and Garroth nodded, Aphmau handed the key back to Garroth as she left to try to keep her mind distracted a bit.

Aphmau: " Okay, okay, calm down. Maybe the guards will find their Lord. He'll be fine."

Aphmau headed to the plaza, noticing that Ethan was still around and looking at the booth that she got ready for the Merchant with some help from Corey and Brenden.

Ethan: " Ah, there you are, Miss Aphmau. Was about to go look for you. I was just about ready to set off to get your Merchant."

Aphmau: " Oh. Do I have to do anything to tell them that this is the right place?"

Ethan then shifted through his bag a bit, he pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to Aphmau.

Ethan: " Just hand this to them once they arrive. Well, until we meet again. Pressure doing business with you."

Aphmau nodded and waved as Ethan headed out to meet up with some Food Merchants who were interested in joining Phoenix Drop. An hour passed, Aphmau was with Kiki, helping with some of her animals, it was helping with her stress a bit.

Kiki: " Thanks for helping me with some of the animals, Aphmau."

Aphmau: " Don't mention it. Say, you think we can make a farm for you and the animals? There will be more room for them to walk around and have shelter whenever it rains."

Kiki: " That's a wonderful idea. Definitely will be much better than this small pin. I've actually found a barn nearby, but it's a bit beaten up. Luckily, Brenden said he's going to help me fix it up just as soon as he can."

Aphmau: " Hmm.. I might have to ask around to see if any carpenters can help us so me and Brenden don't do all the repairs and work around. I don't mind helping, but it's just the two of us."

Kiki: " Yeah, having another builder will be very helpful."

Aphmau: " Speaking of Brenden, where is he?"

Kiki: " Oh, he's with Zenix. He said something about taking apart a house near the village."

Hearing that, Aphmau knew exactly what Brenden was doing, he and Zenix seem to be taking down the old Lord's house.

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