Chapter 6: Friends take care of Each Other

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While Garroth and the other guards went to see what happened at the docks, Aphmau was sound asleep, till the large bang from the explosion woke her up. Thorgi ran around a bit before going over to the window and started barking.

Aphmau: " What Was That?!"

Aphmau tumbled out of bed, quickly grabbed her sword and opened the door.

Aphmau: " *whistle* Come on Thorgi, we have to see what happened and see if anyone was hurt!"

Thorgi barked as he rush out with Aphmau, Thorgi looked over at the ocean, he made a whimper and barked to get Aphmau's attention.

Aphmau: " What? Did you find... *gasp* The Docks!"

Aphmau and Thorgi ran over to the destroyed docks, and when they were about to get close to it, they passed Kent, who was still with the grieving Paul.

Paul: " Who-who would do this? Visher... Visher was my best friend! He went out of his way to bring me here to help with our families by selling our goods... Now.. Now.."

Tears rolled down Paul's face he clenched his fist and hit the ground. Kent rubbed his back and Aphmau was horrified to hear that someone died in the explosion. Aphmau saw Zenix and came over.

Aphmau: " Zenix! What happened?"

Zenix: " Something or someone exploded the docks, we're already scouting the area to see who did this."

Aphmau: " Does anyone know about this?"

Zenix: " Apart from me, Garroth, Kent, Dale, Emilia, Paul and now you and the dog, no. To be honest, both me and the others want to keep it that way, we don't want the village to go into panic mode when we don't know what did this."

Aphmau: " What are you and the others going to do when they get back?"

Zenix: " Try to clean this place up a bit. But... this seems familiar to.. *shakes head* Nevermind."

Aphmau looked away for a moment, and back at Zenix, something about him seemed off. It looked like he was shaking a bit.

Aphmau: " Are.. Are you okay, Zenix?"

Zenix: " I'm fine, but this reminds me of something in my life. I feel like something like this happened to me. Before... somewhere... Don't worry about me. Just go find Garroth or help Kent comfort Paul."

Aphmau glared at Zenix for a moment, annoyed that Zenix pushed her away when she was trying to be friendly towards him. She whistled for Thorgi and they went to find Garroth.

Aphmau: " Garroth."

Garroth: " Lady Aphmau, I see you found out what caused that explosion last night and Visher... I think it's best not to tell anyone about this."

Aphmau: " Why? They probably want to know what caused that explosion and see if anyone is hurt."

Garroth: " I know, but this is a Huge issue, an issue that our small village can't handle. I'm sure Visher was a wonderful man from our short time knowing him, his death was uncalled for and we should honor his passing, but the docks were something that we weren't expecting. As soon as they were built, it was taken away. Like Brenden said, he wanted to keep it as a surprise and we were the only ones who knew about it. It's best if we worry about that later."

Aphmau: " All of Brenden's hard work... gone."

Garroth: " Yes, and it seems like he put his heart and soul in it."

Aphmau: " Now what do we do?"

Garroth: " ... We have to get Paul and Visher's body back to their home. That's where you come in. I'm not forcing you to do this, but I ask you, help our friend. He's been through a lot in these past moments, and the best thing for him now is to be back with his family. Are you able to build a vessel like theirs or something to carry them on? If you can make this happen, I can find a way to make it sail."

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