Chapter 8: Lord talk and Hamsters

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Though she had a little trouble, Aphmau was able to sail the boat back to the shores of Phoenix Drop when the sun started to come up. When she got to the shore, Aphmau tumbled off the boat, Kent was waiting for her.

Kent: " Aphmau!"

Aphmau: " I came as soon as possible. Where's Garroth?"

Kent: " Guard tower. Come on."

Aphmau whistled for Thorgi and the three rushed over to the Guard tower, where Garroth and the other guards were.

Garroth: " Lady Aphmau. You're alright."

Aphmau: " I got your letter and came as fast as I could. What's going on?"

Dale: " I've been getting word from the other guards from different villages, towns, even from O'Khasis that the Lords are disappearing, stepping down and even being killed."

Everyone looked at each other.

Aphmau: " Garroth.. In Bright Port, the guard who gave me your letter called me a "Lord". Why's that?"

Zenix: " Well, you do act like one."

Dale: " I hate to say it, but Zenix is right, you care about us like a Lord. Think about it, Aphmau. You're helping the town folk with a few of their jobs, making friends with everyone you meet, helping build our town up without being asked, and you defend us from the monsters. If that isn't Lord material, I don't know what is."

Aphmau looked away for a moment.

Zenix: " I would keep my eye out or be on my toes now, since you have a hit on your head like the other Lords. *chuckles*

Kent: " Stop Zenix."

Emilia: " Don't let him get in your head, Aph. But he is right about being on our toes."

Aphmau: " Do any of you have any ideas on who might be doing this or why this is happening?"

Most of the guards: " Not yet./ Sorry./ There aren't a lot of clues left behind to tell us anything about what's going on."

As everyone was talking, Zenix crossed his arms and didn't say a word.

Aphmau: " So what do we do now?"

Garroth: " For now, I think the best thing to do is focus on your safety. I have to send a few messages out to see if any other towns or villages have got any new information, but in the meantime, please stay in town."

Aphmau was quiet, but she nodded. After their meeting, Emilia rushed over to Aphmau's side.

Emilia: " Wanna spar?"

Aphmau: " Sorry, Emilia, I'm not in a training mood."

Emilia: " Such a shame.... Hmmm... Oh! I know what will cheer you up. Brenden's repairing the docks."

Aphmau: " Really?!"

Emilia: " Yep. Come on, I'll show you."

Emilia the brough Aphmau and Thorgi over to the docks. Brenden was at least half way done, he stayed up all night making what was in front of them. Aphmau was caught up with getting to the shore and rushing over to the guard tower, she didn't notice.

Aphmau: " Wow! Th-this looks amazing so far!"

Emilia: " Told ya."

Thorgi looked over and walked over to the thing that caught his attention. Both Emilia and Aphmau looked over at what the dog was looking at, and there, on the ground with his limbs spread out like a sea star, was Brenden.

Aphmau: " Brenden?"

Emilia: " Oh yeah, Brenden is also kinda there."

Aphmau and Emilia walked over to check on Brenden, who was just resting from all the work he did the night before.

Aphmau: " Hey bud, you okay?"

Brenden let out a groan. Emilia started to tap him with her foot, causing him to grunt more.

Emilia: " Hey Brenden? You okay? Helllllllloooooo?"

As Emilia tapped Brenden, Aphmau noticed something resting on his chest. It looked like a clump of fur was just sitting on his chest, but then she noticed the ears, the eyes and small hands, it was a hamster.

Aphmau: " Is that a hamster?"

Emilia: " Oh yeah. Forgot to mention. Some girl came here before you got here and she gave Brenden one of those fur balls."

Aphmau: " Is she still here?"

Emilia: " Oh yeah, she's in the town square if you want to meet her."

Aphmau then heads over to the town square to meet the visitor, Thorgi rushed over to her side before she went far. When they got there, there was a pin full of hamsters. Aphmau rushed over to get a better look at them all.

Aphmau: " They're so precious!"

While staring in awe of the hamsters, a woman with bright red-pink hair with a bright blue bow tied to the back of her head. She wore a purple shirt, blank pants and an apron with a large heart on it greeted her with a smile.

The woman: " Why hello there. I see you're interested in my hamster, oh and who's this handsome fella?"

The woman held out her hand and Thorgi came right up to her.

Aphmau: " Heh, he likes you, which isn't a surprise, Thorgi is a pretty outgoing dog. So, I haven't seen you around before."

The woman: " Oh, right. How could I forget? My name is Kiki, well, it's not my actual name but everyone calls me that because of my laugh and it kinda stuck. Ke-ke-ke."

Aphmau: " *chuckles* Nice to meet you, I'm Aphmau and that's Thorgi. So what brings you here?"

Kiki: " Oh, Brenden asked if I could come by. You see, Brenden's my brother and when he told me about what happened to the docks, I was heartbroken because of how much he puts into the things he builds. So I decided to bring some hamsters with me to help cheer him up, and maybe lighten everyone here too."

Aphmau: " They are pretty cute."

Kiki: " Ke-ke-ke. Would you like one?"

Aphmau: " Really? I don't know."

Kiki: " It's alright, that's kinda the reason why I brought these guys, to give them to people who need some cheering up. And I'm sure this goofy fella wouldn't mind having another furry animal with you."

Thorgi barked as Kiki rubbed his head.

Aphmau: " Alright. Do I need to do something to get their trust?"

Kiki opened a box and handed Aphmau some hamster food.

Kiki: " Just hold out your hand in front of the one you like and they'll climb up your shoulder."

Aphmau looked at the different hamsters for a moment, there were so many options, but she ended up picking an orange and white hamster. He was staring right at her and started eating the food shortly after Aphmau lowered her hand. Kiki smiled and chuckled as Aphmau pet the small rodent.

Aphmau: " Well, I have to get going. I have to make some additions to my house to make it look a bit nicer. It was nice to meet you, and I hope you enjoy your stay here."

Kiki smiled and laughed a bit as she nodded. As Aphmau headed back, the hamster climbed on her shoulder and sat there during the trip.

Aphmau: " Well little guy, I think you, Thorgi and I are going to get along well. I think you'll like living with us. All you need now is a name. I think I'll call you Sean Connery."

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