Chapter 18: Wolf Trible

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After following the Werewolves throughout the night, Aphmau, the Alpha, Lowell and the two other Werewolves made it to their small village. Sorta expecting a large cave or dens, there were houses made out of hay, a fire pit, a river through the Village and even a garden. There were two caves, but one of them was the Alpha's Den. The Werewolves started to come out of their houses to get to work.

Aphmau: " Wow. They're not going to mind me being here, are they?"

The Alpha: " No. You are our guest Human."

One of the other Werewolves: " But if you try anything, we'll claw out your throat in a heartbeat."

Aphmau gulped but the Alpha growled at the Werewolf who said that.

The Alpha: " Ignore him, Human. Just as long as you don't cause trouble, we won't cause trouble."

Lowell runs into the Village, the other Werewolves seem happy to see the young Pup again. The Alpha went to his den, many other Werewolves followed him inside, the two Werewolves who went with him followed him inside. Aphmau walked around the Village a bit, many of the other Werewolves glanced up a bit and slightly nodded towards her, acknowledging her. Lowell came back to Aphmau's side so she wouldn't feel that uncomfortable or awkward in her new surroundings.

Aphmau: " So that big Werewolf is the Alpha?"

Lowell: " Uh huh. He's also my dad, and sorry that he, Balto and Blaez tried to hurt you."

Aphmau: " It's okay, they didn't know I was helping you."

Lowell looked around a bit, and his ears went down a bit.

Aphmau: " Are you alright?"

Lowell: " Yeah. I'm happy to be home, I really am, but there's no Kiva."

Aphmau: " Kiva?"

Lowell: " She's my best friend, and she's not here."

Aphmau looked aside for a moment, but she just rubbed Lowell's head.

Aphmau: " We'll find her. I'm sure she's around here and we'll get her back."

Lowell had a big smile and hugged Aphmau. One of the Werewolves, Blaez, came over.

Blaez: " Human. Alpha wants a word."

Aphmau got up, she gulped a bit because she was still a bit scared of the large Werewolf, he was able to pick her up with only one claw and dangled her close to his face. But she shook her head and followed Blaez to the Den that the Alpha was in. Many other Werewolves were in the large den, when they noticed Aphmau, they all circled and sniffed her, similar to dogs and hardly giving any space.

The Werewolves: " I smell dog, she has a dog./ She doesn't smell like the other Humans from Bright Port./ I think she came from across the water./ *sneezes*"

The Alpha: " Alright. Give our guest space."

The Werewolves looked over at the Alpha and stepped away from Aphmau, letting her step over to the large Werewolf.

Alpha: " Forgive how me and a few of my Packmates treated you last night, Human. Our anger gets the best of us and makes us do things without realizing at times. It's our strongest weapon but also our greatest weakness."

Aphmau: " Well... I'm not dead, so I guess we're even."

The Alpha: " *laughs* Your humor makes me laugh."

Aphmau couldn't help but laugh with the Alpha and a few other Werewolves.

The Alpha: " Aphmau was it?"

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