Chapter 24: Baby Shower

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Around two days passed, Aphmau was able to finish the two rooms in her basement with some help from a few of her, but Levin doesn't really like sleeping in his new room, he wants to be with Aphmau, so she lets him sleep with her. He would curl up next to her on her bed, she makes sure that she surrounds him with pillows so she doesn't hurt him by accident. She doesn't want to get attached, but she does seem to like being around Levin in the short time he's stayed with her. Aphmau woke up when someone knocked on the door, Levin fussed a bit but Aphmau just rubbed his arm, telling him he was alright before she got up to get the door. Dale was on the other side.

Dale: " Morning momma, how's parenthood treating you?"

Aphmau: " Morning Dale, and don't call me that, I'm keeping Levin till we find his family."

Dale: " Right, right. Either way, both me, Molly, Corey and Stephanie think you're doing good. Even if you're just taking care of him for now till we hear about his birth family."

Aphmau smiled as remembered why he came over.

Dale: " Oh, before I forget, Kiki set up a little party for you and Levin in her barn."

Aphmau: " Oh, I almost forgot about the shower Kiki been planning, are you or the others going to be there?"

Dale: " Sorry, but accodering to Kiki, it's an only lady thing, besides someone got to help Garroth with the Village as you have fun."

Aphmau: " Alright, I think I'm going to check on Garroth before heading over to the barn. Come her Levin."

Aphmau picked up Levin and put him in the blanket sling on her chest, she then whistled and Thorgi trotted by her side to see Garroth. When they got to the place where Garroth was, Aphmau came in and saw Garroth facing away and looked as something.

Aphmau: " Hey Garroth, how are you doing to..."

Aphmau stopped in her tracks when she saw Garroth feeding a small dragon.

Garroth: " Lady Aphmau, good morning, as to you as well little Levin and pup."

Aphmau didn't really know what to say at that moment because she realize that the dragon was a Wyvern, a rare creature that not many people see, Garroth looked over at the small reptile.

Garroth: " Oh, have you met Raven?"

Aphmau: " That's not a raven, that's a Wyvern."

Garroth: " Yes, oh now I see the confusion. You see, Raven is his name. He's a baby Wyvern, a runt of his litter to be exact. I found him when his mother tried to eat him."

Aphmau: " Wow, brutal."

Garroth: " Yes, many mother animals are know to eat or abandon the weak babies they have, Raven might have met that faith if I haven't stepped in. He's the one who helps get letters across the other villages, but not that affectionate a lot. I'm a bit surprise he's by my side today."

Aphmau: " He probably can sense you're hurt."

Thorgi went over to the table Raven was perch on and tried to sniffed him, Raven look and swatted him away with his tail, but it was just a small bop to get the dog to back up.

Aphmau: " Will he get bigger?"

Garroth: " Don't really know. Wvyerns are known to live for many, many, many years and not many people have seen many of them. Anyways, you two should go on you're way, it is a party day today."

Aphmau: " Don't you want to join?"

Garroth: " A kind offer, but I think I'll pass."

Aphmau: " If you say so, it's also good to see you doing better."

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