Chapter 16: To save a Friend

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No hesitation, Aphmau ran over to Garroth.

Aphmau: " Garroth?! Garroth!! Please be okay, please be okay."

Zoey came over and put her head close to Garroth's helmet, she made a small sigh.

Zoey: " He's still breathing. But it's weak. We have to get him help."

Aphmau nodded, with the help of Zoey, Aphmau was able to get Garroth back to the village, but they didn't know that someone was watching them. When they got back, everyone stopped what they were doing, and their jaws dropped seeing Garroth's situation. Dale and Kent fell out of their chairs and Emilia dropped her sword when they saw Garroth.

Emilia/Dale/Kent: " GARROTH!!?!"

Dale: " What happened?!"

Aphmau: " I don't know... we-we found him like this."

Kent: " Did the same guy who shot Brendan do this?!"

Aphmau: " I don't know. Do we have any of that herb that helped Brendan?"

Dale: " We used it all while treating him."

Emilia: " Plus, Garroth's wound looks deeper."

Zoey: " We have to get him inside, he already seems to have lost a lot of blood."

Everyone: " R-right."

After setting Garroth in his bed, he was breathing heavy, Zoey was able to get the bow out of his chest and started to treat the wound a bit, but she was struggling a bit, luckily, Kent brought the doctor who gave the herb to Aphmau to treat Brendan in.

Emilia: " Dr. Doctor? What are you doing here?"

Dr. Doctor: " A traveler with a green scarf came to me and told me that Phoenix Drop needed some assistance. And it's a good thing I did decided to drop by."

Dr. Doctor came to Zoey's side, examining the wound and chat with Zoey for a bit.

Aphmau: " So? Is-is he going to be alright?"

Zoey and Dr. Doctor looked at each other for a moment.

Dr. Doctor: " Well, it's hard to say. The wound is deep and he seems to have lost a lot of blood. But it wasn't caused by the arrow."

Aphmau and the three other guards looked at each other.

Nearly everyone: " What?!"

Zoey: " The wound has a few tears and breaks several layers of skin, alongside the armor on his chest. A normal arrow can't do that, only enchanted weapons could do that, but I wasn't able to sense any magic on it."

Emilia went over and looked over the wound, it looked like a stab wound and the arrow was shoved in it to make it look like he was shot.

Emilia: " Yep, that looks like it came from a dagger."

Aphmau: " What do we do now?"

Kent: " Can't we use the same herb that helped Brendan?"

Dr. Doctor: " I'm afraid not. The wound is deeper."

As he said that, Dr. Doctor tried to take Garroth's helmet off, but he grabbed the doctor's arm, surprising everyone that he was able to grab his arm and have a tight grip on it.

Garroth: "... No..."

Garroth's arm dropped and went a bit limp, scaring half the room.

Emilia: " Damn it Garroth. Even when he's near death's doorstep, he refuses to take that damn helmet off."

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